This is the Message Centre for Marmite

Sorry you've been sick

Post 101


At least its a good team, unlike my load of rubbishsmiley - sadface

The Simpsons are excellent, i used to think it was rubbish, then i happened to be watching it with the boy and its damn funny.

That Homer is kingsmiley - ok

Sorry you've been sick

Post 102

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Ah, but Homer would be nothing without Marge.smiley - tongueout

I have to say every Newcastle supporter I've ever met (and I've met quite a few) have been lovely - they have to be the world's best and friendliest smiley - football supporters.

I wonder why that is.smiley - huh

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 103


Ah Marge, dear lovely Margesmiley - biggrin

Yep, thats us, and the reason is, is that we are not big headed people, because we have won sod allsmiley - erm, we have nothing to shout about, we go on our own little way of life just wishing and being nicesmiley - smiley

Sorry you've been sick

Post 104

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Well we met a crowd of Newcastle supporters in Majorca in 1999 - the week after they'd been beaten by Man U in the FA cup final .... they were in the bar where I'd gone with the child (she was about 3 then) while the big lad went off to Barcelona to see the European Cup Final.

We watched the match together and they cheered for United the whole way through.... they chatted with me, and looked out for me - a woman alone with a child - and hugged and danced with us when United won in the last seconds.... It was one great night and I have brilliant memories of those guys. They were real gents - so I won't hear a bad word about Newcastle Utd or their supporters.smiley - hug

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 105


Thats an excellent encounter with the toon army, hey its makes me feel proud that the guys treated you so well.

I have some great friends in Newcastle, family friends and toon buddies, and i have never know one of them to be out of line, they are top blokes and lassessmiley - ok

Sorry you've been sick

Post 106

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Well you should feel proud. I never saw those guys before that night nor after, and for football fans .... and football fans that had just lost the FA cup to Man U at that .... they were amazing. I can honestly say if it was over here I doubt that I can think of a local teams supporters who would have been so nice.smiley - applause

I noticed you dropped into the yikes thread earlier - it can get very smiley - silly in there, I hope you'll hang around it, you'll enjoy it.smiley - winkeye.

I am soooooo glad it's Friday afternoon - I'm off on Monday and so need the break - work has been a nightmare recently.smiley - rolleyes

How are you recovering from all your accidents then .... feeling any better.smiley - huh

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 107


I know that Yikes thread looked like my kind of thread, total utter nonsensesmiley - biggrin

Its saturday afternoon here now, and that damn Newcastle team lost againsmiley - rolleyes.....smiley - wah.....smiley - erm.....smiley - smiley

Slowly getting there, at least i can play the drums one handed nowsmiley - ok

Sorry you've been sick

Post 108

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - cuddle Poor Newcastle, and poor you. Still that boy out of Def Leppard manages alright.smiley - winkeye

If it doesn't kill us it'll make us stronger .... you must be like Geoff Capes by now.smiley - laugh

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 109


Well never min.

Ahh, Rick Allen is my hero, the guy and the band has balls, mind you i cant stand their american new wishy-washy commercial rock now thoughsmiley - sadface

I went to Spain on holiday about 1982ish, and while me and my friend were at this club, we got chatting to these German chicks and lads and told them we were from Def Leppard, me, of course being the drummer...they bought us drinks all night and took our autographssmiley - cool, we met them each night and were treated like gods, we arranged to meet them the folowing year in Spain again, but Mr.Allen (being me) lost his arm...that was the end of going to that resort againsmiley - erm

Sorry you've been sick

Post 110

Fizzymouse- no place like home

You dawg.smiley - dog

smiley - laugh

I can't believe you got away with that. We were in spain in 1982 to see Norn Iron in the world cup - now that was a summer.smiley - winkeye

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 111


It was a great summer, i remember also being in the same club (living up to my rock image) and dancing, yes dancing to Two Tribes - Frankie.

They should have guessed thensmiley - erm

Sorry you've been sick

Post 112

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - laugh I'm sure that was worth seeing. smiley - bigeyes

'82 was when I got my first passport and it was our first trip to Spain - we went on a smiley - bus from Victoria.smiley - rolleyes

We stayed in Callela, and he went to the matches by bus/train...... Is this a pattern in our relationship - we go on holidays and he leaves me at various resorts while he skips off to watch smiley - footballsmiley - doh

I can't believe it's taken me 25 years to figure that out. smiley - erm

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 113


Yep sounds like itsmiley - biggrin

I went to Majorca in 87, honeymoon with first wife and the FA Cup final was on during our stay, so she got the hump on the beach while i footied it big style with some Liverpool fans

I should have realised then that it wasnt going to worksmiley - erm

Sorry you've been sick

Post 114


smiley - cross its 11:30pm and you arent online, i thought i would meet you here

Sorry you've been sick

Post 115

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Awk Bov, sorry I missed you - yet very typical.smiley - rolleyes

I've had such a bad week at work, and been so exhausted when I eventually got sitting in this seat - I just didn't have the energy to lift the keyboard.smiley - sleepy

Even with the bank holiday what should have been a short working week feels like the longest week for years. smiley - erm

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 116


smiley - rolleyes..thats oksmiley - hug

Have a nice relaxing-do-sod all-laid back-weekend thensmiley - ok

Sorry you've been sick

Post 117

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Well that do sod-all weekend started with - up at 9:00 iron clothes for daughter's photo shoot. Have shower, take daughter to drama class, look for birth certificate, collect daughter from drama class, take daughter to photo shoot. Do the stuff, have lunch with sister in nice hotel, go shopping for groceries, come home at 5:00 and flake out on the settee.smiley - yawn

So far so good, now I just have to put some washing in the machine and relax. smiley - winkeye

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 118


Ooooh your still heresmiley - ok

I wet the bed so i thought i would pop on here until the sheets are drysmiley - biggrin

Sorry you've been sick

Post 119

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - rofl

Or .... have you been taxiing tonight again then.smiley - winkeye

smiley - mouse

Sorry you've been sick

Post 120


Nope no taxiing, wife was tired then went to bed, boys about to nod off hopefully, daughter not feeling well so she went to bed ages ago.

That just left me and the dog, some film with Kevin Costner on in the background

What happened there, it all went pear-shaped and signed me outsmiley - erm

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