This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

As I had to tell my butcher....

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

As I had to tell my butcher, today, his bacon is better than the pre-packed stuff, as it always leaves one feeling very 'dry'....
"dry?" He asked quizzingly....

"ye", I continued, "I don't know what it is, but I always feel really horse after eating supermarket pre-packed meats..." smiley - whistlesmiley - pony

I'm back home smiley - zensmiley - droolsmiley - loveblush and as someone almost but not quite nearly once sang, 'I'm sore all over' smiley - whistlesmiley - droolsmiley - angelsmiley - handcuffssmiley - wowsmiley - magicsmiley - pony

Someone caught me's unawares on the phone just after I got back... and for some reason as yet unknown to the inhabitants of this area, I said that I'd go out tonight ... Its bleeding freezing out there smiley - brrsmiley - doh Just showered smiley - divasmiley - handbag And must go find soemthing to eat....

I'm thinking.... either some of the bacon I bought today, or soem of the sausages, fried/cooked, then part-boil some pierogi, and fry some mushrooms with the meat, then fry the pierogi.... cover in a cardiologists nightmare's worth of cheddar, and throw under the grilll to melt... smiley - magicsmiley - runsmiley - pony

The butcher didn't like my joke much... So I had* to remind him, before I left, that 'he shouldn't get on his high-horse'... smiley - snork that one did at least get a laugh... smiley - snorksmiley - runsmiley - pony

As I had to tell my butcher....

Post 2

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Smoking stallions! Is that high horse bacon I see before me? smiley - drool

smiley - pirate

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