Mc What ?
My name is Paul Harrison. I have several hobbies, the most time consuming of which is Live Roleplay. I play the part of Mephisto McSnaga, the Laird Provost of Caledonia, a fictional land (based very roughly on dark ages Scotland ..... very roughly). Myself and 4000 other nutters dress up in suitable costume, which for myself and the 300 or so other Caledonians (in the 'Bears' faction) means kilts, and 'roleplay'.
More information can be found at" >
/>or at" >
I also am keen on F1 Motor Racing, Blood Bowl (a board game) and Dungeons & Dragons (the game .. not the dreadful film or cartoon series).
For work, I am responsible for getting new cellphone mast sites on air for BT Cellnet. (Other Networks are available)
I am 35, married with no kids, but 2 cats and some tropical fish.
I have read all the Hitchhikers novels, have the radio series on cassette, have Restaurant at the End of the Universe on LP and have seen the TV series.
Due to my hobbies over recent years, and with the benefit of a wide choice of informative digital channels, I have renewed my interest in history ... but not WW2 .. there's far too much on tv about that.
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Works of TP | Mar 2, 2004 |
Flea Market - Works of Terry Pratchett | Mar 10, 2003 |
Co-incidence... | Aug 6, 2001 |
Hello! | Apr 5, 2001 |
Pennsylvania calling ;-) | Mar 22, 2001 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Flea Market: A523595 - The Works Of Terry Pratchett | May 2, 2001 | Feb 20, 2004 |
A523180 - Blood Bowl - The Game of Fantasy American Football | Jul 11, 2001 | Aug 21, 2001 |
101 Uses for Villains | Apr 5, 2001 | Aug 16, 2001 |
So many memories | No Posting | Aug 7, 2001 |
Peer Review | No Posting | Apr 7, 2001 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."