This is the Message Centre for McSnaga

Pennsylvania calling ;-)

Post 1

Jimi X

Welcome to the Guide! smiley - smiley

This place can be rather daunting at first - there's a lot of interesting information and a lot of wonderful conversations. Perhaps the first place to go is the index at where you can find a listing of all the Edited Entries in the Guide.

There's plenty of good writing in there, and if something inspires you, you could always check out the writing guidelines at and write up something yourself!

Just about everybody on-site has a story or two to tell - be it a favourite restaurant, tavern or village. Do read a bit and then share your unique knowledge to make the Guide even more complete!

Again, welcome and cheers! smiley - bubbly

- Jimi X

btw: You might get a few welcome messages like this. There's a group of volunteers on site who help greet newcomers and show them the ropes. They're called the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) and you can find them all at Alternatively, you can pop by my personal space by clicking on my name above or by following this link:

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Pennsylvania calling ;-)

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