This is the Message Centre for Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me
about the Silver Sword / Chivalry quest
The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 Started conversation Oct 9, 2006
Hey, you can join, that's fine. The quests are designed to allow players to join at several points during them - you just have to wait until the next time the party reaches the Inn of the Silvery Sword - which, you may remember, is not a stationary building, but moves from place to place, always following wherever adventures are happening. Nerd42
about the Silver Sword / Chivalry quest
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Oct 9, 2006
when is that likly to happen?
about the Silver Sword / Chivalry quest
The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 Posted Nov 8, 2006
Usually in a town, but the last time it was in the middle of an uncharted wilderness - you never know.
Considering that you're trying to join, I could make it show up underground somewhere. (we're underground right now) Nerd42
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about the Silver Sword / Chivalry quest
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