This is the Message Centre for Thorn

Hallo Thorn!

Post 41


& now I ought to go.
A class I have is about to start soon.

smiley - yikes

Hallo Thorn!

Post 42

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

To be true: noone has an idea where the messes really are.smiley - laugh
But there are a few, you'll have to ask Dmitri to which ones your guy is allowed to go.
We have the Senior Officer's mess, French haute cuisine it seems. Then the Junior Officer's mess (for Ensigns and Lieutenants), good food and great cakes there; the Sergeants' mess and two crew messes. Waiters only exist in the senior officers' mess.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 43

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

oh, but they're all in the saucer section of course

smiley - ok
have a nice daysmiley - smiley

Hallo Thorn!

Post 44


Oh, eh.
Thanks again.
I suppose that at a certain point he will have to meet the captain then,- I wonder what this will be like.

The Victorian era came later than the one that Dmitri's character came out of/from, yes?

Or perhaps I have my history then kind of out of order.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 45


[Oh &] You too.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 46

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

The captain's Elektra, you have to sort a meeting out with her.
And anyhow: before you go to talk to people ask the ones who play them wether they have time, please.smiley - smiley

No idea, talk to Dmitri about the history stuff.smiley - laugh
Morgan is Victorian, but the others... Jamie and Rory are 1970s

Hallo Thorn!

Post 47


smiley - winkeye
Ace's sorta caught between the slipstream of twentieth century and a period in the 1800s... No, not exactly "born twice" but the two separate timelines where he was born in a different place/point had overlapped somehow and well... lo and behold that he winds up here in whatever future century it is that the Alpha story and Beta RPG take place in.

Dmitri said maybe he'd get around to it this weekend and that it would be better if I got on/in there then. At least, last time I had checked. It may have changed though,- as it says there is a new post/reply that had been made on the thread for where my Entrance exam test &/results were sent.

I think I'll go check on that.
}Zoom!{ smiley - run

Hallo Thorn!

Post 48

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - ok don't tell me too muchsmiley - winkeye

goodsmiley - smiley

Hallo Thorn!

Post 49


Oh, alright.
Sheesh. Yeah, that would be to be avoided.
alright, thanks.
smiley - smiley

Hallo Thorn!

Post 50

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cheers

Sorry, I wasn't very talkative yesterday. And I still have a headache etc
I missed a whole lecture of 1,5 hours today because my brain doesn't work.smiley - laugh

Hallo Thorn!

Post 51


It's alright.
I've a good amount of work to do that I need to get caught up on.
smiley - doh. Oops.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 52

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - ermsmiley - cheerup

and I have to go to bed nowsmiley - yawn
have a nice evening

smiley - zzz

Hallo Thorn!

Post 53


Thanks you too,

have a good sleep then,- or however it is that people say that kind of thing.

Oops, I wish I could remember what people said for that kind of thing.smiley - doh

Er,- well Goodnight then.
/ G'dnight.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 54

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh
you mean 'sleep well'?


Hallo Thorn!

Post 55


Yeah, there we go.
smiley - eureka
That's it.

You're welcome.

*Swears it had been just about on the tip of his tongue*

:-& = tongue-tied.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 56

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh

smiley - yawn morning - or evening for you

Hallo Thorn!

Post 57


*Luaghing* It is both.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 58

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - rofl ah, ok
How late/early is it for you?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 59


It is 1:28 in the AM
*raises an eyebrow*

smiley - laugh

Hallo Thorn!

Post 60

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh
ah, I was up till about 2am yesterday/today

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