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Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
good about the email. You can be sure that noone of us would abuse it to whatever.
Mala and Kyra both have my phone number. I even wrote SMS to New Zealand already.
You should think about the name. Dr Ace Lens... do you like the sound? In my opinion one of the two names should be longer. Say it a few times and think about it.
I'm halfway ok, thenks. Studying for my statics exam.
And you?
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
Are statics a kind of complicated statistics sounding thing?
Oh, I'm alright-ish, working on getting that way at least *shrug* more-or-less. Putting out small fires in things & trying to get caught up. Scraping by but I'll live/survive.
Eh... *shrugs again*
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
I know.
Oops. I think I have that one be that it is like the earlier notion of him having two first names, but that something causes him to act as though the second first name was a last name. Maybe I can have it that he forgot what his actual last name was. It could be due to a complication from some of the forces that were at work in the explanation part of the backstory I had made.
Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
No, statics has nothing at all to do with statistics. It's got to do with being static, standing still. It is calculating weather a building will stand or collapse. Or what one has to do so it stands. Calculating which sizes of beams etc a building needs.
Ah, ok.
... still I'd think about the sound of it.
Paul's people also all have two first names. (althought noone can have noticed that yet) But that's a historical thing and one first name became a last name. So Paul Jonas' sister is Lily Jonas, because Jonas once was the second first name (or maybe even the first first name) of one of their ancestors. But I didn't put that in the game yet. Maybe I never will.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
I see. Thank you.
My mistake then.
Er, I'm going to have him be kind of shy... this Ace/Lens person.
If people want to talk to him outside of his room (that is a "converted office") they are going to have to have their characters go up to him and try talking to the guy.
Maybe just for kicks I can have him start out seeming a bit skittish.
Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
Ok, another tip: shy is ok, but don't make it people too hard to talk to your guy. Not many will need a psychisomething, so most will talk to him outside of his office. Don't play yourself in a lonely corner.
It's like that with Mala's Quirinus now. It's extremely difficult to talk to him and so nearly noone does. In this case it's ok, because Mala has many other characters to play with. But as you for a start have only this one, you have to see that he can talk to others. As I said, shy is ok, but don't let him 'flee' from all conversations or so.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
Okay. He won't be quite exactly "aversive" to all interactions but if he gets self-conscious than he may try to keep his responses sort of short.
I mean, you know... most of the time when in "public" he likes to keep on a cloak with a high raised-collar or something, or say a scarf maybe and things of that sort, in order to keep part of his face hidden or obscurred. It isn't because he is ugly or anything. No, it's about something else... that introversion kind of a thing going on.
Well,- and it makes him seem kind of more mysterious. Dual purposes kind of. *shrug*
Yeah,- it's not going to be impossible. I agree that would be... er,- annoying (to say the least). No worries then on that [one], yep.
Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
ok, about this cloak: you notice that nearly everyone wears uniform (at least on duty, but there are always more people with uniform in the corridor than people incivilian clothes) if he runs around with a cloak and so (which really sounds cool) everyone will be staring at him and he'll have the opposite of what he wants. If you want him 'invisible' I'd rather tend to gray t-shirts and jeans or something like that.
For mysteriousness the cloak stuff is good. But it will also give him more the air of Tavaron's witch-outfit, I think.
But good to hear that it won't be impossible to talk to him.
Ok, just to make that clear: I don't want to make you change your mind about anything. Do what you like. I just tell you what I think but it's all entirely your decision. And you should talk to Dmitri about it, too because he is kind of 'the boss'.
Sorry if I may seem like that.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
It's okay. I have him wear that over his "regulation outfit/uniform".
Yeah, I know... this has the potential for a few humorous effects later on then maybe. Perhaps.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
He may.
Then I will have Ace wear the scarf for a day or two instead. & if that gets called on into question too, wouldn't be too surprised to see him traipsing/skulking somewhere down a hallway or corridor with his nose partway buried in/into a book.
A chief objective to this is or, will be, to get other people into speculating just what in the heck it could be that he does spending so much of his time (spare time, then-yes?) also in his room when he isn't seeing patients. Kinda.
Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
Well, we'll see what happens.
soo... ah, yes... any questions about the layout of the ship? The plans are unfortunately still not finished and probably will never be.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
Well, I've a question I had meant to pose about the watches...
Hadn't actually thought it out that far ahead to that kind of detail.
There's a bridge right? It's big like a station, yah?
Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
Unfortunately I don't know in which timezone you are, but every character works for two watches, that's 12 hours per day, with a rather long lunch break, as far as I understood it.
The first watch for me starts at 12am/noon.
You can see a picture of the Mariposa on my deviant space. The bridge is not in the saucer section but in the 'wedge', and so is the engine room, communications and astrogation.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
Ah, thank you.
I'm in Pacific Standard time I , think.
I will have to look that one up and collaberate with other people around that then- maybe.
*strokes his chin a bit in thought*
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
[Dr. Ace]: "Please, you may call me Ace. Or you may also call me Lens. Which ever you prefer."
*shrugs a bit*
Hallo Thorn!
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Oct 11, 2006
But we always squeeze times a bit.
When I play with Kyra in the morning my guys often don't go to work before 2pm.
Noone really minds as long as there aren't any contradicory(?) posts.
What do you want to do with the bridge?
I should warn you: there's heavy security around in this area.
Hallo Thorn!
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
I don't know. I'll have to figure out where some of the mess areas are located. Perhaps I can have it be that seeing as to how he is new and lost, that he will try to ask one of the guards for directions to there. They may not like his attire very much, and well,-... you know how that is.
[Ace]: "Search me if you want, I've the papers and so on. I'm the new ship's psychologist."
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Hallo Thorn!
- 21: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 22: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 23: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 24: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 25: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 26: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 27: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 28: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 29: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 30: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 31: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 32: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 33: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 34: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 35: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 36: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 37: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 38: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 39: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Oct 11, 2006)
- 40: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
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