This is the Message Centre for pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..."

Upating your eastbourne Entry

Post 1


I've had your eastbourne entry linked on my space pretty much since I had a space on this page, but I'm now wondering whether, as times pass and littlewoods shut two years ago, it needs a bit of updating. Are you happy with this and, if you are, do you want to be involved? Please let me know by replying on this thread.


Upating your eastbourne Entry

Post 2

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Think should be updated, as dotto train, also bus centenary come and gone, Red arrows...could also mention/link to Gildrige park horse show, and towner art gallery. pony rides on the seafront(have some pics that can send to yahoo site if you want..) used to have the Horse and cart that went along front,

Upating your eastbourne Entry

Post 3


Thanks for the thoughts- would you like to contribute yourself to updating the entry?

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