
It is nice to finally find a site with so many genuinly odd people talking, discussing and creating on it.
I am a 25 year old Middlesbrough hippy who likes a little too much lager, unusual food and They Might be
Giants (the group and the film). A cheerful fellow with an almost suicidal lust for life. Here are a few items;
1.Hit by a mini bus that was traveling at over 24 mph (i wrote it off and then went into the off-licence)
2.Had my two front teeth knocked out by a vicious space hopper.
3.Been through A+E so many times they have a preprinted form with my name on it.(only just an over statement)
On the milder side of my life I work i n an art shop and a University, I build sets for a small animation studio,
I am writing a screen play about werewolves, i have almost completed building and testing a board game, i
love my playstation and my vodka. At the momment I cannot think of anything else to add but I am sure
Something will occur to me shortly


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