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Christmas part 2

So... the kids got looooooads of presents, not from us but from their grandparents and uncle (more grandparents, less uncle) and looked totally bewildered as to what's happening. Maya's enjoyed wearing her festive dress, since it has so many layers on the skirt she could happily chew on (she now has 4 teeth!smiley - magic) and cried when I took it off her before she went to bed on Monday night, when we returned home with lots of stuff.
I could tell my MIL didn't buy my presents, as they were pretty much the same as last year's (bath things, body lotion... you know). Mike was playing Santa, handing everybody their presents as soon as we got to his parents' house. It was done to prevent him from imploding with expectation, seeing how, big boy that he is, he can't handle the extra stimulation and has to open the smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift NOW!
The turkey was turkey-like (ie dry) but everything else was nice and tasty, even the chestnuts. Maya was fed by me and she was so happy with her Christmas dinner I had to wait until she's finished hers before I could eat mine. We went to see some more distant family after dinner and then went home. Thank god...
Boxing day was calmer, and Mike took Ryan out for a ride on his new trike (poor baby, he's too short to reach the pedals with his feet) and then we went to his parents again. Mike's birthday was totally forgotten on Monday, so we sang Happy Birthday to Him on Tuesday night, much to Ryan's delight, who then tried to blow out the candles that were re-lit for him and giggled a lot.smiley - biggrin

The day before Christmas I got a double whammy of joy, I went with Mike's mum to get a new top for Christmas, and ended up with 2 (she bought me one). To make things even better, when we got to their house from the shopping trip, the relatives that were there have already left. Woohoo!smiley - biggrin (sorry, I don't do relatives very well) Top 1 was worn on Christmas and top 2 would be worn on New Year's eve. They're both usually out of my budget, but as there was a sale on, the damage was a mere £25.99.smiley - bruised
And after 2 days off work, during which I spent time with my lovely husband, all by ourselves, and cleaned the kitchen after reading for 2 hours straight (which I haven't done in ages) I came back to work for a day to post on hootoo before I have to go home at 4pm (was originally meant to leave at 5pm) as the office is closing early.

Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!!!!<musicalnote)

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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2006

HannuChristmas - how it's done.

Well, boys and girls, it's that time of year again- Hannukah, that is. Which this time ends very considerately on Christmas Day.
So, I lit the candles (2+1) in the Menorah (only god knows why it's called a Menorah, seeing how it's not) with both my children watching in fascination, and as I was singing the blessing, in a very educational-tradition-keeping-Jewish-sort of voice, Ryan started singing, loudly and clearly, 'Happy Birthday to You'!smiley - roflsmiley - laugh I tried explaining that there are other reasons to light the candles other than birthdays, but he didn't care, just got carried away in the gusto of his song.smiley - biggrin Bless his heart.
That was Saturday, and on Sunday we decorated the Christmas tree at Mike's parents' and tonight it's 4th light of Hannukah and we'll have some doughnuts or potato cakes, just before nursery's Christmas party on Tuesday.
Speaking of nursery, they (and I) have attended their first nativity play, Ryan was a star and sang Sticky Cow (Jingle Bells to you) with all the other kids, well Maya sat with the babies in high chairs wearing little antlers and looking around her in amazement. The whole thing took less than 10 minutes, which was a relief, and since we had no batteries in the camera, we got to watch it all undisturbed.
So there you go- HannuChristmas 2006- it could happen to you!smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2006


Just a quick update:
Christmas shopping- done
Kids- both well, grown a bit more, both getting more beautiful by the day.
Husband- still grumpy, though manageble. Eagerly awaiting his birthday.
Work- not too much.
Weather- sucks.
Wrist- still hurts.
Leisure- none in sight.
All in all, life is normal+.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 6, 2006

Mothers in Need

In light of the Children in Need day in the UK (today), I thought maybe they should think about what mothers are in need of, too.
So here's my list:
-a warm cup of smiley - tea/smiley - coffee/smiley - cappuccino
-sleep. and then some sleep.
-time to read/knit/embroider/rest/watch TV
-a good massage/manicure/facial/pedicure/haircut
-a shopping spree
-time to go out with above friends
-smiley - stiffdrink/smiley - bubbly/smiley - redwine
-a good meal, preferably not prepared by said mother
-a night out.

Any additions? Put them here!

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Latest reply: Nov 17, 2006

Life as Marge Simpson

Recently I've been thinking a lot about this episode of the Simpsons, in which Homer points out a woman to Marge while they're shopping and says "this lady can be you friend, honey. She looks defeated, too."
I'm starting to feel like Marge, and I think Homer had a very good point there- she didn't have friends, she had a house to run and kids to infinitely take care of, and she was defeated. I only have 2 kids while she has 3 (who never grow older, by the way!smiley - yikes), but I have a job and she doesn't so I think it makes us even, and I'm starting to feel defeated, too.
What's the point in washing dishes/clothes/hair? They'll just get dirty again. What's the point in tidying up? The house will just get messed up again.... and so on. And I wonder if this is part of any mother's life, and how do you find a way out of being Marge, before you live on top of a pile of rubbish shaped like a house.
Ideas, anyone?

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2006

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