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my pretty baby is now 10 days old. She came into the world in 6.5 hours of intense labour, that ended in water birth. Pain relief? Hardly. Some gas and air, and that was dropped at the side of the pool as well. She weighed 9'8" and I have no idea how I got her out, as I didn't really know where I'm headed (Ryan was born by forceps with local anaesthetics, so I never felt the pain of delivering the head). It was insanely painful and I did manage to tear, but only a tiny bit, so no stitches and I could walk from the start.
She's lovely and big, quite calm, but hates being changed and bathed, so then screams her little head off. Has a healthy appetite too, and she breast feeds when she feels like it, mostly during the night. Sleeps for most of the day, though she's starting to wake up and look around her more. She has lovely dark grey eyes. We hope they stay this very unusual colour.
More details- by email... smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Mar 23, 2006

Where is everybody?

I haven't seen the following people around in ages: Lady Scott, Amy, Shea, Uncle Heavy, Ekki, Paul_H, Parrferries and a few others that escape my mind at the moment...
Where's everybody gone to? Can I come too?
I'm far too tired to work, and I still have 10 days left before Maternity leave. After those 10 days, my internet connection will be limited to weekends and random week days. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2006

Where is everybody?

I haven't seen the following people around in ages: Lady Scott, Amy, Shea, Uncle Heavy, Ekki, Paul_H, Parrferries and a few others that escape my mind at the moment...
Where's everybody gone to? Can I come too?

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2006

Pubic Symphysis Disfunction

Has anyone heard of it? Dead painful, I'll have you know, and apparently I have it. It basically means that, without painkillers, and sometimes even with them, I can hardly walk, dress up, turn around in bed, stand, or sneeze, 'coz the pain in my pelvis is very bad. Doesn't affect the baby, but really gets me down.
If anyone knows what to do when you have this- I'm open to suggestions.

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Latest reply: Jan 20, 2006

Current events

It snowed last night. I'd never have noticed if we didn't have to go into it with Ryan. Poor child has a very frightening rash all over his body and a fever that goes up and down all the time. We thought it was.... well, anything from Chicken pox to Rubella, our doctor thought it was just an allergy to Antibiotics, and the doctor and nurses in the children's hospital thought it was very impressive, and what a rash should really look like. I think they have no idea what it is, and therefore only give us antihistamines and Paracetamol, and not anything that actually helps. So my babbling, active little boy is home for the second day in a row, itchy, miserable, sleepy, and very quiet, when he doesn't whimper pathetically. Me? I'm at work. In a bad mood and feeling quite guilty for not being with him and his daddy. Last night they've managed to lower his fever enough to get him babbling and giggling, even walking for a bit, but this morning he woke up all miserable again. And I just want to know- what's wrong with you baby?smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Dec 30, 2005

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