Not the actor, but the music man

My name is Eric Roberts, not unlike the not-so-famous, very untallented actor and brother of his exact Men carrying musical notes climbing a ladder to a musical staff against a moonlit backgroundopposite, Julia Roberts. The only thing alike between me and the actor is that I too am a bad actor and the only people who said I actually could act well were my family. I also think the actor is very unattractivesmiley - clown. On the other hand, I'm not. I'm 6' 0" and around 200 lbs (For everybody else in the world that is not American, that is approximately 1.82 M and around 90.7 Kg). Brown hair, blue eyes, and I run everyday.

I currently attend CSU Chico and am majoring in smiley - Music Education smiley - . One day I will become a band director at a high school in California; I will do this even with the incrinsingly rapid dissapearence of music teaching jobs in California due to budget cuts smiley - (damn you Govenatorsmiley - ). After many years of teaching, I will go back to school and get my PhD and then go on to teach college.

I just ask one thing of you, . Do whatever you can to support your local high school band. Without smiley - music smiley - in our schools, there will be less music in our futures. A life without music would absolutely, positively suck. A quote - "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." Californian schools are squeezing for money and it takes a lot of money to run a band. You need uniforms, instrument repairs, and sheet music (which is very expensive, by the way. Look up band music some time, you'd be surprised. If you feel so inclined to find out, check out Just as a side smiley - , I play Clarinet, Baritone, Trombone, Saxophone, and kinda play a lot of other instruments.smiley -

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Musicians' Guild MemberLiberté Egalité Fraternité InsanityRandom Quote Guild MemberJanuary Birthdays

My 42ism


This would be my lightsaber that I stole!

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - cheerssmiley - musicalnote


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