Chico, CA, USA

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Chico is located 145 kilometers (90 miles) north of Sacramento in Butte County. It was founded by General John Bidwell in 1860. Today it has a population of 102,120 people.1

California State University, Chico

Chico is a college town. Everything revolves around the university. Even when you go to Safeway during graduation week, beer is brought to the front of the store for easy access. Most people who live in Chico are college students, people who work for the university, people who work at the stores downtown that cater to the students needs, and the retired people who moved back to Chico because they like it. So, mostly the town exists for the college.


Unfortunately for some and very fortunate for others, Chico State is known as a party school. Chico State has been trying to get rid of that reputation for years. It's not working. Due to the way the housing is situated in Chico2 there is still a lot of partying. It makes partying so easy because when you get drunk, you can just walk home instead of drive.

The Orion

The Orion is the school newspaper. It is the number one college newspaper in the country. It has won many awards. It looks like a profesional newspaper and the layout is really easy to follow. The newspaper is free online and in newstands located in most stores and restaurants in Chico.


Yes, there are academics too. Chico is the fourth best school in the CSU system.3 Some of the more well-known departments are: liberal studies, journalism, music, and business.


There is no football team at Chico State. The sports that Chico State does have are basketball, baseball, softball, golf, track, volleyball, and soccer. The big sport is basketball. Everybody goes to see the basketball games if they're in town. The pep band even plays at those games.

Outside of the school, we have a minor league basball team named the Chico Heat and a pro soccer team called the Chico Rooks.


College students need food. Here are the best places to get a bite to eat:

  • The Black Crow - Really nice place. It's not necessarily a place to go to lunch, but they do serve it. It's more of a dinner place. Often they'll have live jazz there and the food is really good. It's a place the college students take their parents. Just one more word. Expensive.

  • Tres Hombres - The upscale mexican restaurant of Chico. It's a loud place durring dinner, but the food is absolutely superb. If you're looking for a place to start out your night of bar hopping, this is the place to go. It's not a bar, but they often have great deals on margaritas. Also, as we all know, you do need a little food in your stomach before putting lots of alcohol in there.

  • Frankie's - Similar to how Tres Hombres is a great place to start your night, Frankie's is a great way to end your night. They have good pizza, even at 2 AM.4 If you are female, you can flash for a free slice of pizza. Just inquire at the take-out window.

  • Woodstocks - Rather good pizza.

  • Celestino's - Extremely good pizza. The suasage rolls are very good, but very filling. It's enough for two people.

  • Left Coast Pizza -

  • Pita Pit - The food is very cheap and very good. It is also very healthy for you. The options are very numerous. They also deliver.

  • Kinder's - Kinder's is a deli-type place. They have best sandwiches in town. Try the ball-tip steak sandwich. It melts in your mouth.5

  • Jon and Bon's - They have great frozen yogurt.

  • Naked Lounge - It's a very loungey atmosphere. They also have good coffee. It's a great place for students to study. They play music from Maroon 5 to Bach

  • Aca Taco - Cheap Burritos. MMMmmmm... Tasty.

  • Hula's -

  • Brooklyn Bagel -

  • Grilla Bites -

  • Pomme Frites -

  • Big Al's -

  • 5th St. Steakhouse -

  • Teaz Me -


  • Reiley's -

  • Normal St. Bar -

  • The Crazy Horse -

  • Madison Bear Garden - a.k.a. "The Bear."

  • La Salles -

  • Joe's Bar -

Bidwell Park

Bidwell Park is the thrd largest municipal park in the United States.6 It is where The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) was shot. Yup, Bidwell Park is Sherwood Forest.7 This is a great park for long walks and picnics.

  • Shakespear in the Park -

  • One Mile -

Things to do

  • Cafe Nile - The hookah bar

  • Thursday Night Market -

  • The Senator -

  • Bidwell Mansion -


IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE ALLERGIES BEFORE GOING TO CHICO, YOU WILL. Due to the location of the valley, Chico gets a lot of the allergens from the agriculture around. Also, John Bidwell was a traveler and plant enthusiast. He travelled the world and collect plants along the way. He brought them to chico and planted them. The plants thrived in Chico's rich soil. Today there are over 150 different species of plants in Chico.
1According to the city of Chico2It's all, for the majority, less than 4 kilometers (about 2.5 miles) from campus3 The CSU system is comprised of 23 colleges throughout California. Some of the other locations are Frseno, Hayward, Sacramento, San Diego, and many others.4Closing call for the bars5Not literally6Ranking just below Central Park in New York, NY and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, CA7In reality, Sherwood Forest is a lot thicker than Bidwell Park.

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