Journal Entries
ooo arrr
Posted Nov 9, 2003
I spent Saturday drinking lots of different types of and singing to the strains of a Wurlitzer along with a couple of hundred drunken Englishmen (and not a few Englishwomen as well, come to that).
Luckily, the flight home today was nice and smooth...
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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2003
The perils of wine
Posted Jun 15, 2003
I really must learn to stop after the first bottle
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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2003
Bored bored bored...
Posted May 8, 2003
I'm sitting at an experiment that hasn't done anything interesting for the last three hours.
It's only the thought of tomorrow's that's keeping me going...
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Latest reply: May 8, 2003
That was the weekend that was
Posted Apr 23, 2003
As various fragmented memories come back...
Last Monday - opening of the new Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre at work (i.e. our old facilities with some new paint and a new logo). Much free wine. Much falling about later.
Tuesday - hangover.
Wednesday - well, I'm away the next day so there ain't much point starting anything...
Thursday - drive down to Wales with Mr deRooftrouser and Munchkin to stay over with a friend. Snigger at long northbound tailbacks on M6 caused by people heading for the Lake District for the weekend. There's nothing like driving a Ford Explorer (American, 4x4, seriously big) along narrow Welsh roads filled with tractors and local nutters in Subarus to get your attention...
Friday - drive over to Hinckley to Eastercon (Seacon 03, ). Laugh at everyone trying to get to Wales along the A5 for the weekend, as we zoom past in the other direction. Get to the con, find ourselves a table and set it up to advertise our convention (ConVivial, ). Begin drinking.
Saturday - more members join us. Yay! Drinking continues. Decided to go out to one of the local pubs for dinner. After trecking along for about a mile (walking under the M69 in the process) found two pubs, and decided to go to the Hinkley Knight. This turns out to be a good choice. Main courses were ok, but the puddings... there's always enough space for pudding, but in this case we were stretching things. Recommended.
Sunday - a couple of new members, more drinking. Also manage to loose/get nicked parent's camera in snooker room. Sod.
Monday - sudden rush of members. More money! Resist urge to dance through hotel in delight. Pack up and start off home. Giggle at tailbacks on A5 and M6 as we glide serenely past in the other direction. The weather gets worse as we go north, until we hit a full-on thunderstorm just south of Glasgow. I'm sure I saw a bloke building a big boat and lots of animals at some point. Got through that, drove home, realised I've left my copy of Schotts somewhere else. It later turns up in Wales.
Tuesday - feel a bit knackered for some reason, so breeze into work for a few hours.
Today - help Munckin and Toccata move their stuff to Munchkin's flat in Glasgow, proving that the contents of two small flats do go into one larger flat. Barely.
And now it looks like my cunning plan of copying win2k from one disk to another isn't working. Heigh ho.
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Latest reply: Apr 23, 2003
Posted Jan 28, 2003
Looks like I might have a cold after all
And I didn't even snog Pastey
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Latest reply: Jan 28, 2003
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