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Wing Mirrors...

Post 21

I'm not really here

My dad's got a Multipla as his taxi - I hate the three seats in the front - if I were still cabbing I wouldn't want passengers sitting so close to me!

Nice otherwise though, if slightly stupid looking.

Wing Mirrors...

Post 22

Number Six

Every time I see this thread title, I think of the episode of Porridge where Fletcher works a scam to go and see his wife on compassionate leave, by claiming she'd left him for a bloke with a mustard yellow Ford Capri with wing mirrors.

There was something there about how wing mirrors were bound to turn a girl's head - shows how far things have come since, doesn't it?

An interesting - or 'interesting lite' maybe - thing about the Fiat Ulysse is that although I think I've seen a couple of them on the continent, left-hand drive versions are pretty rare. Most of the ones I've seen in Italy are badged as Lancias. But of course they stopped making right-hand drive Lancias and exporting them to the UK some time in the 1990s, and I suppose they didn't want a gap in their model range over here.

smiley - mod

Wing Mirrors...

Post 23

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

wing mirrors on the wings... useless. the closer they are to you the easier it is to locate them quickly, and the bigger angle you see in them.

the only car so equipped i ever had was an MGA; the central mirror was fixed to the dash instead of the top of the windscreen, also rubbish. so you're forced to drive really fast, that way what's behind you is not important!

Wing Mirrors...

Post 24

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Now I would not mind having an MGA so I could test your theory!

Wing Mirrors...

Post 25


MGA - isn't that a small British sports-car from the 60s and 70s that's typically held together by rust.

Wing Mirrors...

Post 26

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Its bigger than my Midget was but they can be held together with Rust - however they are beautiful smiley - sigh

Wing Mirrors...

Post 27

I'm not really here

My SIL has thos mirrors on the wing on her Escort, she says they're useless!

Wing Mirrors...

Post 28

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i wish I had one these days too... sigh... one of the most gorgeous pieces of machinery man has produced.

i bought mine in 1972 for $400 dollars in fairly good shape, and sold it for $800 not running in 1979. nowadays a running one is at least $20,000...

held together with rust? in california i didn't have that problem smiley - winkeye, in fact you can make a living buying old cars with some collector value there and taking them back east to resell. due to weather conditions such cars are much rarer there.

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