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New Posts Link?

Post 1


Is it my imagination, or has the counter for the number of new posts when it's displayed in your conversations list just become a clickable link?

The link is in the usual and familiar F[xxx]?thread=[xxx]&show=20&skip=[xxx] format, but has now grown a new attribute of #pi[xxx] at the end of the link, which takes you to the last (or possibly one after the last - it'll need testing) post that you viewed in the thread.

So why no announcement about this important and *extremely* useful bit of site development?

New Posts Link?

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

Maybe they were going to leave it until a decent hout to let us know?

New Posts Link?

Post 3

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

how's this GD... that as been a clickable link ever since i've been here, which is over a year now.

it takes you to the page contaning the first post since you last looked at the thread. smiley - online2long

New Posts Link?

Post 4


And now it takes you to the first post you haven't yet read - very handy!


New Posts Link?

Post 5

I'm not really here

In the usual manner of topic drift, it came up in a conversation elsewhere. We were all talking about the habit of bookmarking with a smiley (something I know Jim Lynn doesn't like - he nearly wouldn't let me upload the smiley - book smiley as I'd originally called it <bookmark&gtsmiley - winkeye and he popped up and fixed it. smiley - biggrin


New Posts Link?

Post 6

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Which was damn good skills on his part IMHO.

New Posts Link?

Post 7

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I don't think it works in the plain skin I have to use at work because it is less obvious that I'm surfing smiley - wah

Nice and useful in brunel at home though smiley - ok

New Posts Link?

Post 8

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Really? I find that lovly classic "alabaster" is easy to hide form prying eyes at work!

New Posts Link?

Post 9

Mu Beta

Riotact - I don't know what you're smoking, but that definitely is a new clickable. Well spotted, Desky.


New Posts Link?

Post 10

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

B, in the My Conversations window, in both brunel and plain, the link has been there 'X New Posts' and clickable for a while - it took you to the page on which the new postings occurred but not to the new posts themselves.

New Posts Link?

Post 11


Same in alabastar, kelli.


New Posts Link?

Post 12

Mu Beta

Well, I'm blue Goo, of course.

And I never use the My Conversations window - it doesn't refresh quick enough for high-speed hootooing.


New Posts Link?

Post 13

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Life in the fast lane eh?

New Posts Link?

Post 14


Well it may well have been clickable in that pissy little conversations *popup*, but it only became clickable in the far more useful (and now even more user friendly) conversations *page* last night. And thank you very much, Jim smiley - smiley

New Posts Link?

Post 15

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

One of the most useful tweaks for a long time. Thanks Jim.

New Posts Link?

Post 16

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - huh Its always been clickable there, in Alabaster, and taken you to the 'oldest' of the 'new' posts, I.E., on to the page at which the new posts begin from smiley - erm well I think ... yes... I think.... probably... now I'm confussed smiley - wah

New Posts Link?

Post 17

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Thats really smiley - cool and the brackets have changed colour too ...

New Posts Link?

Post 18


No, the brackets have always been white. It's the stuff within them that has changed colour, because it is now a link.

New Posts Link?

Post 19

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i'm smoking alabaster, and i've been on it from the start. maybe that explains it?

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