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Crack... Hiss... BANG! No more hair

Post 21

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - yikes

Are you OK GD?

Have you recieved any of my emails recently?

Crack... Hiss... BANG! No more hair

Post 22


I'm fine smiley - smiley

It's all quite funny really. That's why I put it in a journal entry. If I'd had to have been admitted to the Burns Unit, then I would have gone off line, now wouldn't I.

Yes, LHG, I've got an e-mail from you saying something like, "long time, no talk. How are you?" I'll reply on Sunday evening if that's OK with you smiley - smooch

Crack... Hiss... BANG! No more hair

Post 23

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - blush I will look forward to it!

Glad you are OK! smiley - kiss

Crack... Hiss... BANG! No more hair

Post 24

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i don't know why i'm reminded of this, but one of my flatmates in a'dam had a run-in with hair color... within minutes of application, his whole head swelled up alarmingly. he said he was in no pain, which was extremely hard to believe. months later we still called him the elephant man!smiley - laugh

Crack... Hiss... BANG! No more hair

Post 25

Lighthousegirl - back on board

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