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A politcal journey

Post 21


Actually, when I come to think about it, I've voted four different ways in the past few years. I voted for Ken Livingstone in the 2000 London mayoral election, then moved to Bradford and grudgingly cast a tactical vote for my anti-Blair Labour MP in 2001. By the time of last year's local elections I'd joined the Liberal Democrats, so naturally I voted for the party's candidates. But there were only two Lib Dems standing in my ward, and three councillors were being elected: so I gave my spare vote to the Green Party's lone candidate.

BTW, as we busily folded our election leaflets at Leeds North-West Lib Dem HQ today, the hot topic of discussion was... 'Doctor Who', and how much we all love the new series. smiley - aliensmilesmiley - ok

A politcal journey

Post 22

Number Six

I must admit, I don't often follow links when other people post them usually having too much to read elsewhere... but you might find this site interesting:

Not what it says on the tin.

I particularly like the 'Tories are terrorists' theory. Makes a lot of sense to me smiley - ok

smiley - mod

A politcal journey

Post 23

Rik Bailey

The videos on the link are good especially the second one.

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