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Local Festival Thingy

Post 1


Today is the day of the local festival, or "Hanover Day" as it is commonly referred to.

The local church is very big on organising stuff in the community, particularly in raising money for the local community centre. And this day is a chance to to raise funds by renting out pitches so that folk can sell bric-a-brac, plants, embroidered stuff and other general arts & crafts type stuff. Here is a picture from last year's event, so you can see what I mean -- (*)

The church will be holding a special service to dedicate the whole thing and generally kick start it all off. Then they'll open the kegs of beer in the crypt, well, more of a basement actually, and the party and parades will begin smiley - smiley

(*) my house is the next one off the left hand side of this photo.

Local Festival Thingy

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

Nice to see they've taken down the iron bars, warning signs, hazard lights, and filled the moat.

Has your armed guard been sent home yet ?

smiley - cider

Local Festival Thingy

Post 3

Mu Beta

"my house is the next one off the left hand side of this photo."

The one with the 'For Sale' sign?


Local Festival Thingy

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Y'know, I didn't think that landlords were still allowed to toss people's belongings out into the street like that these days smiley - cross I blame the Labour [sic] government sez Londoner Wally Barnes.

Local Festival Thingy

Post 5


The bit that amazes me is how they manage to clear the entire street of cars. Signs go up on all the lamp posts about a month before the event syaing that the road will be closed, and all of the houses and cars are leafleted regularly in the run up to the day. As for yesterday's event, there was a council tow-truck in evidence from 9am to encourage the more recalcitrant drivers to shift their cars.

Also from that photo you can see what I mean when I go banging on about the parking problems in the neighbourhood. The road has cars parked up and down both sides of it 24/7/365 (well, actually 364 I suppose). The clearance either side of your car as you drive up it is mere inches. Yet it is also one of the wider roads around smiley - headhurts

Wing mirrors - God's way of telling you that you're driving just a leetle but too close smiley - bigeyes

Local Festival Thingy

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - laugh Yeah, I've taken a few of those off in my time - one of the benefits of driving a van. You don't lose you own mirror, you just end up with a dark streak along the side which can (usually) be removed easily smiley - tongueout

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