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The End of the Pier Show

Post 1


Extending the theme first inroduced in an earlier one of my journals - F63554?thread=233745 - another section of the Brighton West Pier has collapsed into the sea smiley - wah

This time it was the middle section that went down -

This was the bit that partially collapsed in the winter gales of 2002/03, then burnt down, then collapsed some more. Now it looks like the whole lot has gone into the sea during today's storms smiley - sadface

I'll be popping down shortly to take a look at the wreckage.

The End of the Pier Show

Post 2


What a shame. smiley - blue I hate it when irreplaceable things are lost. The story says it was Grade 1 listed, what does that mean?


Post 3


This post has been removed.

404:The End Of The Pier Show:404

Post 4

Secretly Not Here Any More

What the smiley - bleep???

The End of the Pier Show

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It's the same kind of thing as being in the National Register of Historic Places broe.

The End of the Pier Show

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh look who's turned up.

*Hangs up a big sign for EVERYONE to read - this means you*


The End of the Pier Show

Post 7


There is quite a nice set of photos here that set what has happened in some sort of context -

The first is as it was in it's heyday.

Pictures 2 and 3 show it's poition on Brighton seafront and the state of decay that it had reached.

Pictures 4 and 6 show the first collapse of middle section which happened 18 months ago. This bit then burnt down, but didn't collapse any further. Well it's this section that is now sitting in the sea. The legs supporting the whole structure gave way dumping eveything in the waves.

As for the future, well, that's probably not as bad as it looks. The whole of the middle of the pier would have had to be replaced in a restoration as it was wrecked before today's collapse.

It's still not a nice thing to happen though smiley - sadface

The End of the Pier Show

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

Collapsed, then burnt down, then sank??

*stifled laughter*

Severe bad luck...

The End of the Pier Show

Post 9


Yes, it's not been a great couple of years for piers down here.

The other pier had a pretty major fire as well... smiley - sighsmiley - blue

The End of the Pier Show

Post 10


What has caused the fires?

The End of the Pier Show

Post 11


I've only been to Brighton once, just before Christmas and the centre of town looked like a fairy tale.

I loved that pier! How sad that it has gone. smiley - sadface


The End of the Pier Show

Post 12


The first fire on the West Pier that took out the main building, plus the small fire on the Palace Pier were electrical faults. Not a great surprise that when you think about the corrosive effects of sea spray that the whole thing gets bathed in on a regular basis.

The second fire, which seemed to smoulder for weeks by the way, was almost certainly arson. It happened in the middle of the night at club chucking out time, and the tide happened to be out at that time so a firework or the like could be thrown from the beach and it would have hit that part of the pier.

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