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An evil b******d on occasions

Post 21

Secretly Not Here Any More

Actually, I'm not a driver, I'm just aggressive. It's the lack of nicotine...

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 22

E G Mel

Tsk Tsk GD A1017839smiley - sadface

On the driving note, next time get their registration plate and report it. Probably wont do any good but will make you feel better without having to play silly buggers on the roads.

Maybe general aggression management training should be a standard part of taking your drivers licence. Then again maybe they should actually insist that after you've taken your test you should do at least 4 lessons on motorway driving before they let you on the motorways.

Mel smiley - hsif

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 23

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hi all, sorry about this but we've had to edit the subjects in this thread just because a certain word is now visible across the site in people's conversation lists. We won't be touching the postings themselves, unless someone really gets uppity about them, but if you could be careful with your subject headers that'd be smashing. smiley - cheers

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 24

Secretly Not Here Any More

Busted GD!

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 25

E G Mel

smiley - cheers Jimster

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 26


I have in the past made something of a habit of this sort of thing...


But it's nice to know that the bug remains fixed smiley - ok

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 27

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well done Jimsmiley - cheers

Lack of nicotene doesn't make me aggressive, bad drivers do!smiley - grr

I lost count yesterday of the idiots who just have to try and beat the lights.

Or nip out in front of me because I'm obeying the speed limit,smiley - yuk

GD I'm glad you are having sobering thoughts about the previous accident, smiley - cuddleit really isn't worth getting annoyed/getting even.

I am still concerned about that old lady who was waiting at a level crossing when someone who couldn't stop in time, hit her from behind, pushed her car onto the train track, and the train demolished her car.

She's critical in hospital.smiley - nursesmiley - angel

smiley - cry

So many people leave home never to return.smiley - peacedove

smiley - cheerup

Excuse me, I have to go out now...smiley - erm

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 28

Mu Beta

I might have to get uppity about the subject content unless GreyDesk writes the project entry he promised me. smiley - whistle


An evil b******d on occasions

Post 29

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

smiley - laughs at GD. Last time you did that it got splashed all over Mina's page (when she was still h2g2 staff).

Mild compared to the way I'd behave btw Desk smiley - winkeye

smiley - ale

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 30


To be fair, it was only splashed over Mina's page because she was subscribed to my journal (or at least that particular journal) and more people visit her page than do mine, so that's where they saw the reference.

An evil b******d on occasions

Post 31

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I currently drive about 30 000 mile a year, my two biggest hates are people that don't indicate and people who pull in too close in front of you.

Then there's the idiots who hang in the middle lane - even when the road is virtually deserted. It's funny, but I can virtually always guarantee the specific type of person behind the wheel of a car hanging in the middle lane at 2am, but I shan't specify that for fear of being regarded as descriminatory.

On the way home after the New Year's Eve gig, I had my eldest lad in the car as we came up behind a car in the middle lane. I said what sort of person was behind the wheel and was TOTALLY correct.

I'd say it's all well and good making people take lessons on motorway driving, but what makes us think those lessons wouldn't be as quickly forgotten as all the other lessons taken before passing the driving test. If someone is going to drive like an ass, no amount of training is going to do any good. It's more about manners, than mechanical skills. If people are bad mannered then there's no hope for them, just the same as those people who always think they're right. I bet we all know some of them!!

I - fortunately - haven't been involved in any sort of accident for almost 20 years, which isn't a bad record, considering the mileage I cover in my car and on my bike. I wouldn't say I was any better than anyone else, I just think that there are few things that people do these days that surprise me any more and I drive according to my perception of the abilities of those around me on the road.

My only "BIG MOMENT" recently, was driving in torrential rain round the M25. I was doing about 50 in the outside lane, getting gradually passed on the inside by a large lorry. I was having to slow down, as the road was slowly turning into a swimming pool in my lane and the deep puddles were pulling at the steering wheel and making it difficult to keep a line round the long left hand bend. I stayed off the brakes and just toughed it out as my speed diminished. When the truck pulled in, I had more of a view along the road in front, as I wasn't in a curtain of spray any longer. There was a set of headlights in the road, which I had reasonably assumed were on the opposite carriageway - OH NO THEY WEREN'T

I assume that whoever was driving lost their nerve going through a deep puddle and hit the brakes, sending their people carrier spinning down the road and into the crash barrier in the central reservation. I wasn't going to hit the thing facing the wrong way in my lane, I'd seen it in plenty of time, I just couldn't get back into the middle lane in order to get round it. I sat there stationary in the outside lane with my hazards on, looking in the rear view mirror, waiting to get hit. Fortunately it didn't happen. As I eventually managed to slot into a gap in the traffic, I saw the two ex-occupants of the people carrier stood on the hard shoulder - totally soaked to the skin. I'd thought about helping them out, I had a bag of clean dry clothes in the boot and towels etc. I couldn't get back into the inside lane for about three quaters of a mile. I couldn't reverse that far back up the motorway, that would have been rediculous.

I wanted to help those two poos souls, but was totally powerless....

Bassman smiley - cool

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