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A different Cat on another roof!

Post 21

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Sounds like the time Mrs Gosho and I had to get you-know-who off a roof smiley - cross

A different Cat on another roof!

Post 22

E G Mel

When will they learn, a nice piece of fresh salmon smiley - bluefish on the ground and it will soon find it's way down smiley - winkeye

It's going to have to learn how to get down otherwise it will end up getting stuck in more places, it needs to be able to do it to boost it's confidance.

Mel smiley - hsif

A different Cat on another roof!

Post 23

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm trying to imagine the gossip among the smiley - catfraternity in GD's neck-of-the-woods.

smiley - cat"Hey, come up to my favourite sunny place and get a load of this strange creature inside a huge fish bowl with these strange flashing lights..."smiley - blackcat

smiley - silly

I'd like to see that ad for the Ford Ka, smiley - grovel

That's what I drivesmiley - biggrin

A different Cat on another roof!

Post 24

E G Mel

Ditto, is it an actual ad or a spoof?

Mel smiley - hsif

A different Cat on another roof!

Post 25


It is an actual advert. It's a concept called viral advertising. What in effect happens is a company produces an advert that is for only those in the know and releases it out into the www to spread like a virus. They expect people to see it and go, "wow that's good/sick/fun/etc" and pass it on to other people.

The advert may or may not have the company's name on it, depending upon what message that they want to put out. In this example it's claimed to be from a website called (I think without checking the mpeg credits) which if you check on the web shows just a holding page. Now the interesting bit is if you check who is registered as owning that domain. If you do you'll find that it is a PR company who work for Ford, so this is an official viral advert.

Ford's problems came about because it was a bit on the strong side for the animal loving British public, and they suffered something of a backlash in the media over it.

Anyway, if you want a copy, send an e-mail to greydesk_sufc AT hotmail DOT com. The reply will actually come from a different e-mail account, but it will be obvious that it is me sending it. Also please make sure your in-box can take a 1Mb attachment.

The first cat on the original roof

Post 26


... is back and is making an awful squawking noise right by my left ear. The thing is stuck on the roof, it's dark, and it can't see to make its way down.

But will it step the six inches on to the ledge and through the open window? Will it heck! smiley - cross And in the meantime I'm getting cold sitting here. After all it's October and it's nearly nine o'clock at night and I've got a window wide open!

I'll give it another half an hour and if it still hasn't made the leap then I'm closing the window, and the little bleeder can make his way down in the morning when it's light again.

The first cat on the original roof

Post 27

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

This is the journal of Grey (compassion is my middle name) Desk smiley - tongueout

The first cat on the original roof

Post 28


It's gone now, so I assume that it found a way down on its own smiley - shrug

The first cat on the original roof

Post 29


... or fell off. smiley - tongueout

The first cat on the original roof

Post 30


smiley - biggrin

The first cat on the original roof

Post 31

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

You know the awning between our house and next door's? Well yesterday, after heavy rain, one of next door's cats decided to walk across it. As it stepped into the middle it sagged the sheet to such an extent that all the water came rushing into the middle.

One second, dry cat, next second, wet swimming meowing very upset cat.

Made my night, that did smiley - evilgrin

smiley - ale

The first cat on the original roof

Post 32

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Oh, thanks for that image! smiley - rofl

The first cat on the original roof

Post 33

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I swear the damn thing hovered for a few seconds while it tried to work out how he Hell to get back to solid ground without getting wet again.

smiley - ale

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