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Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 41

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

There there GD, don't take on so smiley - hug

Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 42


I know what you mean, my first car died about 18 months ago (although it was still actually running, it was just leaking oil into the coolant through a cracked cylinder head).
It was my first car and had done me proud form 9 years. Almost like losing a friend.

Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 43

I'm not really here

I think the longest I've ever had a car was about a year. Actually, I've had my current car 17 months and I'm starting to feel like I need a change...

Well, I've got three dogs now, I think I need something bigger than a hijet!

Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 44


Ooh, couldn't be bothered with that. My current car was bought primarily on the basis that it had the best reviews for reliability in the class I was interested in.
Goes like the clappers too though, which is nice smiley - winkeye

Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 45

I'm not really here

I've never really had an unreliable car. My Bambi has its moments, but it's not my regular daily vehicle, and yes, I miss the days of having a much nippier car for those awkward moments when I really want to cut someone up and just can't. smiley - wah

I'm trying to find a small vehicle with two passenger seats and plenty of room for dogs. So really it's a van I'm needing...

Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 46


So a white van with dogs...

Are you getting a bomber jacket too? smiley - winkeye

Crash, Bang, Wallop! An interesting start to a funeral

Post 47

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

My first vehicle *was* a white van - Volkswagen LT28 - and by the time got rid of it, it was about as reliable as the British summer. I wasn't sad to see it go. Same thing with the second one - a blue LT35.

But the third one (same model, red, hi-top, diesel) was my pride and joy and worked like a dream. There was a heavy snowfall in London the first winter I owned it and people were calling me saying 'My removal man just cancelled on me because he can't get his van started. Can you move me now?' 'No problem' I said, went outside and got into my van. It started almost before I'd even put the key in the ignition.

I only had it for about 18 months before it was stolen. I never got it back smiley - sadface

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