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Falmer for All - The Result!

Post 1


And it's excellent news!

After years of legal wrangling, several millions in legal fees and millions more lost in potential revenue. Brighton & Hove Albion have been given permission to build a new stadium at their preferred site in Falmer, up at the north-east end of the city, by Sussex University and the A27smiley - biggrin - the news - the back story

F2231914?thread=1302692 - you can add your congratulations here

Falmer for All - The Result!

Post 2

Mu Beta

Shame they'll be in the Conference before they get a chance to build it. smiley - biggrin


Falmer for All - The Result!

Post 3

McKay The Disorganised

Can they get it finished before The Ricoh ?

smiley - sadface Probably.

smiley - cider

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