An Introduction
I'm a writer which anyone who knows me will tell you because this is the first thing I say to anyone when pressed with the question of who I am. It has become how I define myself in a very short period of time since I finished my first novel (out August 1st 2005) Glitter and Diamonds: The Rise of David Wilde. Hence, one of the reasons for the name. The other reason for my screen name is the perpetuity of my love for Oscar Wilde as a writer, person, icon etc.
Other things I like could only be described as eclectic: Monty Python, Placebo, Rammstein, Douglas Adams, England (probably because I have never been, as one of my former friends would have had you believe), tea which I have just discovered I have been drinking wrong my whole life, various holidays, certain household goods like paper towels (because I never have any), natural products, dancing, singing, Germany, actually travel in general, parentheses, smilies, and a whole load of other things including my own blog and meeting new people.
So if I sound like someone you would like to meet then good for you! And if I don't then you know what to do.
Researcher U1650144
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."