Some call me Ben, some call me Duiner

(and everyone else calls me "Hey, You!")...

...Just Please Don't Call Me "Dew-in-er." 'tis pronounced like diner, 'tis.

My last name (Verduin, pronounced sort of like "fur dine"(only with a "v" not an "f")) has been subject to many a pun seing as it rhymes with so many words (dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, rhine, sine, sign, swine, tine, vine, and wine, just to name a few) and fits with so many others. People used to think I was the class "brain," so they called me Verduinstein (Einstein), and I grew faster than the other kids, so they said I was as big as a 'duiner' car (as in a railway car), which has somehow stuck to me through the past five years in such a way that over a third of the people at school call me only "Duiner" or "Duin" and I swear there are underclassmen who don't know my real name.

...Rants and raves from a maddened HS Senior

Who's stuck in one of the most screwed up places on Earth: West Michigan...

I am the Muse of Short Attention Spans, so don't expe...uh, what was the question again?

Musicians Guild Member I play the cello and am learning to play the guitar right now (both acoustic and electric). I'm also self-studying drums and am trying to learn the hammered dulcimer and lap dulcimer. I sing too (la la laaa! ). This is why I'm a MuG, a member of the h2g2 Musicians Guild. The Musicians Guild is a virtual club for musicians, singers, composers, and other music aficionados at h2g2.

Gone crazy? You've come to the right place, because I'm the Keeper of Lost Marbles, too!

/* fixer */
use THIS window use NEW window

Special thanks to Archangel Silly Willy for the drag-down menu!

I have several strange pets, including a rather large and mischevious pigeon named Maurice. He's a smart one, and has even been known to impersonate me online, so watch out! In case he ever changes my screenname I've added a little thing which always shows "(Vaca)" somewhere in the name, so you know who it is!

I'm going to focus on the human condition, language, arts, etc. as well as time permits, but I don't have much time so it may be a while before there's anything much 'round here.

The List Of Useful (if Uncommon) Words

If you know a good word which could be used more often (see examples here), submit it by giving its meaning, usage, etc. (see the examples) in the forum below or in the entry and I'll (probably) put it on the list (with due credit, of course)

Yadda yadda yadda...bored out of your skull yet? Hello? You're asleep, aren't you? Ah, well. Onward...smiley - star

Please note that I am not actually insane (or am I? BWA-HAH-HAH-HAH, uh,anyway...smiley - silly)


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Duiner (Muse, Keeper, Vaca) (suffering from a broken heart :'-(

Researcher U163867


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