This is the Message Centre for .

To Newt or not to Niwt...

Post 141


But.... Why would you want to? smiley - erm


Oh, all right. BE Joe Bloggs! smiley - sadfacesmiley - yuk

But to me you shall always be Niwt. smiley - nahnah

Here is the URL where I put the drop down list for you, (NOT Joe Bloggs!) smiley - grr

To Newt or not to Niwt...

Post 142


Can I get to it? smiley - winkeye

I give up

Post 143


*sighs even more*


smiley - sadface

I give up

Post 144


*Keladry smiley - hug's Tal*
*Niwt smiley - hug's Tal*
*Newt smiley - hug's Tal*
*Joe Bloggs knees Tal* smiley - tongueout

I give up

Post 145


Tal tosses Joe Bloggs across the room. ( a 'knee' is laughably easy to defend against -- a mere twist of the hip and a sweep with the foot, a little push, and boom - down you go )

But... 'E' for effort. Try something more, um, sophisticated -- say, a leaping, spinning side kick (Ooo, will Bloggs *ever* come down hard!)

BTW, did you know there is now ANOTHER Taliesin on site?

I may end up changing the spelling of my nick, anyway. We shall see.

I give up

Post 146


NO NO NO there can't be another Taliesin (unless it's you) go and tell them to change.
I'll write more another time - I'm posting from school now smiley - yuk

Yes, there is

Post 147


Go take a look --

Hey, I bet there's another Niwt somewhere in the world. It's just a matter of time....

Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to change my nick. After all, it's the ACE-ly thing to do.

Hmm. Let's see... How about Murgatroyd? Or, Wilson? Fauntleroy? Or maybe I should just use my researcher number. Yeah, no one else could possibly come up with that one.... Researcher U167550. Yep. That's me

I guess I'll just go change it... But I think I'll have an smiley - ale or six first..

smiley - drunk

Yes, there is

Post 148


Oh, there is, I found one and was quite cross smiley - cross
You shouldn't give way to him (her?) because I want you to be Taliesin and you've got to be and if you change your name I will change mine too smiley - tongueout
*hands out smiley - ale*
*drinks some too before Tal can take it away saying "Uh-uh, you're underage!"*


Post 149


....... You already changed your name. Look at your personal page.

And you are even confusing yourself, in the guise of Joe Bloggs/Fat Lady ( Ha! didn't think I'd catch on so fast, did you? )

I hope you weren't really cross with my doppleganger, (hey, German is allowed now!), after all, he is just a poor innocent hitchhiker, who has no idea of who you are, and just what a Truly Awful Person you can be when riled up smiley - winkeye

Nope. I will just have to change my nick. *gets out book on archaic Celtic names*

Hey, how about Gwion? That was the mythical Taliesin's name before he became Taliesin...

Yeah. Gwion. Gwi, for short -- 'Hi Gwi' 'Howya doin, Gwi' 'What's up, Gwi' 'Hey Gwi, have some more smiley - ale' 'Have a smiley - stiffdrink Gwi'

smiley - wahsmiley - drunksmiley - wah


Post 150


Who am I?
Wtf is going on?


Post 151


Hey, it's smiley - ok

smiley - doctorsmiley - nurse

Ah, heck with that, here smiley - wizardsmiley - magic

and also a smiley - stiffdrink You may be underage, but this is for medicinal purposes

Careful, just sip it!

*pours self another smiley - stiffdrink sits down*

I was ~really~ worried about you. There was this guy, see, his name was Joe Bloggs, or maybe it was a Fat Lady I don't know but anyway I was talking to you and suddenly there was this really nasty big hoodlum tackling me and he said he'd bonked you on the head and left you in a ditch so I beat him up a bit and then the cops came and he kicked me and tried to get away and even dragged the cop car a little he was really strong but not too bright and the cops took him away for spitting but somehow he escaped and this Fat Lady came and pulled faces at me and said it was all over so I got out my Blues Harp and then she was Joe Bloggs again and then this butterfly came and talked with me and asked me what was going on or something and I started playing the Curse of the Bards which really takes it out of you but since you are my friend I was going to do it anyway and then just as I was getting ready to really lay it on everything changed again and here you are or maybe it is all some weird hallucination because I ate some of those brownies at that party we were at, weren't we and I think I need another smiley - stiffdrink


Post 152


smiley - ermsmiley - stiffdrink


Post 153


~drinks smiley - stiffdrink~

Shanksh. I mean, thanks, I needed that. So, how'sh your head ?smiley - injured

~sits down, misses chair~

smiley - drunk


Post 154

Joe Bloggs (HELP!!! I'm getting married! HELP!)

*Niwt sticks head out of Bloggs' jumper*
*tries to get out to grab a smiley - stiffdrink*
*Bloggs decides to kick Tal now Tal is down on the ground*


Post 155


~Tal vanishes smiley - magic, which causes Bloggs to sit down rather abruptly. A disembodied voice echoes, 'foolish mortal, you cannot harm a master smiley - wizard Even smiley - drunk, you are no match for a Bard~


Post 156

Joe Bloggs (HELP!!! I'm getting married! HELP!)

Wanna bet?


Post 157


No odds... Not even a billion billion to one...

Oh, Bloggs, if I were you, I wouldn't be.. smiley - winkeye

Honk Honk

Post 158

Joe Bloggs (HELP!!! I'm getting married! HELP!)

Well I wouldn't be you and I would be me and I think you're silly even though Niwt thinks you're great smiley - cross
It's not fair! Why do people like you and not me?
Bloggsy smiley - tongueout

Honk Honk

Post 159


Come back Tal you fish-hook smiley - wah

Honk Honk

Post 160


'smiley - fish hook' smiley - huh

I've been rather busy lately. Almost finished a RL project that has taken most of my time.. I'll be back soon... with a smiley - gift for you smiley - winkeye

BTW, I read HP & the Philosopher's Stone. Rather decent.

Reading #3 now, 'The Prisoner of Azkaban'

Hope you're having a good weekend smiley - rose

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