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Post 21

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

seein that movie should give me a clue about Inkers then? By their movies shall ye know them ... it's true for me to be sure

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Post 22


i like languages...
have you seen the passion of the christ?
i like how it's filmed in latin, aramaic and hebrew...although according to someone on the internet somewhere they would have spoken greek...but then that was just someone on the internet somewhere, so i just don't know...
i like that
one of the best things about the film...
^. .^
= ' =

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Post 23

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

That was exactly what called my attention about that movie, that it was shot in all those languages and subtitled. I love subtitles! As for the subject, the thing that always irritates me about all Jesus movies is that WE DON'T KNOW! And I would like so much to know! Of course the interpretations of the doifferent people are always interesting, only I never could take ole Mel seriously again after Braveheart...

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Post 24


my theory is that jesus existed, because (apparently) there's a lot of evidence to prove that, but he wasn't the son of god or anything (i do'nt believe in god, other than as a concept created by people), he was just an illegitimate guy, probly a bit crazy...mary could well have invented the stuff about "son of god" to prevent people from thinking she'd got pregnant out of wedlock, and mabe started believing ot herself, or at least got jesus to believe it...
like i said, only a theory...but i think it pretty much fits...
^. .^
= ' =

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Post 25


I'm not going to disagree with you there.

I'd like to see the film too, for exactly the same reasons.

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Post 26

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

I can't stand ole Mel after Mad Max, but i understand he's only directing this one...i was horribly afraid he'd get himself up to play Jesus, and if he keeps his face out of it AND introduces Aramaic, with subtitles, i'll almost like him again. Almost. Braveheart was too much to ever forgive...

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Post 27


So I take it you gave "What Women Want" a miss? smiley - biggrin

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Post 28

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

well i won't that wasn't a quite goodnatured little irrelvant filmlet, it's just that Braveheart ... you see as everybody talked about it, I made myself sit through it... and hated every minute.

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Post 29


It doesn't top my bests list.

The scene where that guy got pushed out the window was a laugh for the sheer shock value.
I'm told the invasion of York was historically inaccurate (ie, it never happened)

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Post 30

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Well what can you expect with the main character a-hollering FREEEEEDOOOOM all the time. Drove me nuts. Like anyone got a concept of freedom then. Thralldom was perfectly ok with the Scots long as it wasn't to the English, was the point. *splutter, mutter* And apart from that I always hate films where the female love interest is half as young and thrice as beautiful, although i suppose that's real enough. But it's ugly all the same. *GRUMBLE*

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Post 31


smiley - laugh

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Post 32

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Well it's true *mutter* can't stand the jerk.
smiley - smiley
smiley - blackcat

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Post 33


That's it, girl! Get it of your chest. You'll feel much better smiley - smiley

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Post 34

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

As as I'm at it, I can't stand Kevin Kostner either! *karate spin kick* see who else i can hit!

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Post 35

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

But who I detest most of all is Richard Gere. Whatta greaseball!

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Post 36


heh heh...i can't say i have anything particularly for or against these people...
but hey...
i'm just trying to think of who i detest in the film world...maybe i don't...hmm....hmmmmm....
^. .^
= ' =

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Post 37


Clelba, you just have a kind, accepting nature. That's what it is.

As for Richard Gere, I saw Runaway Bride on TV recently and was shocked at the transparent attempt to recreate Pretty Woman!

My face looked like this: smiley - yikes
but with less yellow and more hair.

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Post 38

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Are you implyin' indirectly that I don't have a kind, accepting nature? Tha's right, I don't! *sets face in unpleasant sneer* I have no patience with the dreary antics of aforementioned sleazebuckets.

smiley - biggrin

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Post 39

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Hollywood has much to answer for *darkly*

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Post 40


how does one answer for something darkly?
^. .^
= ' =

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