This is the Message Centre for Inkwash

Return of the...

Post 1


Hello all you smiley - cats smiley - dogs and smiley - smileys

I'm back, perhaps for a limited time only. Get your slice of Inky while stocks last. smiley - winkeye

Return of the...

Post 2

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Aw, why be so stingy about it? smiley - winkeye

Return of the...

Post 3


smiley - biggrin Hi!

Thing is, I don't know how much I'll be able to get online, but it feels good to be back.

Good to see you again! smiley - smiley What have you been up to?

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Post 4

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

oh all sorts of things, like messing up the Gilgamesh epos. smiley - winkeye

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Post 5


helloooooooooooo smiley - smiley
so wassup?
^. .^
= ' =

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Post 6


Clelba! Hi! *smiley - hugs both*

Nothing much up other than that I have sometime to get online these days. Hopefully more often. smiley - smiley

I'm afraid the words Gilgamesh and epos have me all flummoxed. smiley - huh

Return of the...

Post 7

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Gilgamesh? Big chap, king of Uruk nobody liked much for bein a tad overbearing. Not that he cared. Even pissed off some gods. Wanted to live forever. In a way he did, being still known after all these millenia. Known to some that is. smiley - tongueout anyways, famous epic, first mention of The Flood...

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Post 8


Ah, one of those mythological gadgies.
Nothing but a bunch of state-scroungers if you ask me.

Are they really the kind of people you want to mess around with?

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Post 9

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Thing is i never could keep my hands offa the big guys.
Have look if you feel strong enough.

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Post 10


Geez, how's a guy to compete? smiley - biggrin

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Post 11

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

he isn't, that was the whole trouble with Gillie. smiley - biggrin

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Post 12


As if senses of inadequacy in RL weren't bad enough. smiley - biggrin

How about we share a tot of the Glen Wobble away from the prying eyes, eagerly proffered cups and illegal product-tainting of the chap's club? smiley - winkeye

Return of the...

Post 13

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Inferiority complex gave rise to whole reams of literature, anxiously devoured by the insufficient smiley - devil

I say, topping idea, old chap, here's to your health! smiley - stiffdrink

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Post 14


smiley - stiffdrink Here's to foresight and hoarding!

I'd never looked at literature that way before. I have a tendency to view all writers as sorted-out, got-it-together people. Goodness knows why.

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Post 15

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Actually there are certain formulas in writing, as in movie making. For instance you know the hero isn't going to be killed, in the rare cases that happens on the last page. But there are other mechanisms to keep suspense all the same.
There is of course the danger for a writer to be too cut and dried. The worst is people with agendas, but can happen to others as well, and that's deadly.

Best write when drink smiley - stiffdrink cheers!

Return of the...

Post 16


Ah, movie making formulas...
Like foreigners always speaking bad english to each other even when there's no-one else around.

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Post 17

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Yes. Also I observe in many American movies that they use original language. In Red Heat (Arnie!) they talk Russian something like 20 mins into the movie! In 13th Warrior they speak Greek, Latin, Norse and Language is quite an important part of the Storyline. In Witness they talk ancient German at the start. I love linguistic experiments. And i like subtitles. Her is. smiley - stiffdrink

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Post 18


Yup, although I just saw Lost in Translation and I thought the complete lack of subtitles on the Japanese added to the effect very well indeed.
I'd be intrigued to know what the little old woman in the hospital really was saying though. Have you seen it?

The film I had in mind in post 16 was Godzilla, where Jean Reno switches between his native tongue and English with his French colleagues for no apparent reason.

Return of the...

Post 19

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

No i didn't see that one, sounds good. I love the DVD options with subtitles on/off!

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Post 20


It may well go down as one of my all time favourite films.

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