Journal Entries

Movie time

After spending the last two years honking on how much I love it, I finally own the original Bedazzled, which was finally released on videocassette a few weeks back, shortly before the awful-looking remake was released in the theatres.

I really hate remakes. And for some reason, every movie coming out these days seems to be either a remake of an old one, or a remake of a television show that really wasn't very good to begin with. This particular situation, however, bothers me more than a little, since I haven't seen anything mentioned in the press or trailers that the new one is, in fact, a remake.

It's really too bad. In my opinion, they got it right the first time.

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2000

Right this second...

I'm talking with my dad on the phone. Everybody say hi. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2000

Sing it with me!

Goin' to Chicago...gonna see the la la la la laaaaa...

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2000

Life is a bumpy old thing

Stuff's getting better. We still need to win the lottery, but I can't really complain. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2000

It's odd

That you can go four months without a phone without really thinking about it, then have it for two weeks and when it goes out for a day and a half due to a rainstorm, you freak out.

Back on now, though. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 26, 2000

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