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Doodly doo
Posted Jun 3, 2001
My vague resolution to update this approximately once a week seems to have fallen by the wayside lately. So, hmmmm...what to say. Haven't had any startlingly bizarre things happen to me lately, so nothing to report on that front. Guess this update will be dull stuff.
Weather is nice, which is somewhat shocking for June in Missouri. Actually, I'm rather chilly. I should probably turn off the fan, but I don't want to get up.
Got DSL (again, after a torturously nasty mess which, as yet, remains not-quite-resolved), but it seems to like knocking itself out intermittently, signified by a little flashy green light that I've come to hate (in the process of writing this sentence it's started blinking again, meaning that this...gateway thingy is resetting itself. Perhaps it needs medication or something. Haven't a clue how to go about doing that. Stupid thing doesn't even have an "Off" switch). But it's nice and fast and there's no more of that nasty dial-up thingy to deal with.
Let's see...the Southwest Nachos at Hard Rock Cafe are quite yummy, even if the ones we ate were only cooked on one side.
I'm reading far far too much--I think this week's tally so far is six books, with another one I started tonight dented by about a quarter.
Flashy green light update--it did the slow flash, signaling a reset, followed by the fast flash, which means it's almost ready, followed once more almost immediately by another reset, which now has run its course. Hopefully it won't die as I post this.
Finally, after a year of being here, not only do I know my way around fairly well--odd hours at work for both of us and one car to share, as well as a disproportiate share of scary neighborhoods has somewhat limited my exploring. But that's okay. We hope to get out of this town as soon as we are able--to where, we have no clue. "Anywhere but here" is the current viewpoint.
Oh yeah, and we have to get married sometime too. A certain person's wedding photos have rekindled another certain person's desire to do the deed. If it weren't for our mild desires to do it respectably, rather than a quickie-Vegas-style thing, we'd probably be making flight plans. She wants a big one, I think, but I've been to cousin's extravaganzas and hated them vehemently--far too impersonal for my tastes. Then again, you're doing it for each other and yourself, so who really gives a sweet patoot if the guests hate it? Me, I guess. Hmph. It'll sort itself out. We've pretty much decided mutually that my job is to show up at the right place on the day. I'll probably have to do *something*, but it's nice to think of it in the abstract until we do it.
Enough old-womanly rantings! This will do for now.
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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2001
Posted Apr 17, 2001
I was just thinking that if someone somewhere had decided that the wolverine was a symbol of fertility, Easter wouldn't be nearly as dull.
Just sayin'.
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Latest reply: Apr 17, 2001
Posted Apr 9, 2001
Inspiration for
*looks about for an idea oasis*
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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2001
Posted Mar 2, 2001
It's nice to be goo-ed again.
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Latest reply: Mar 2, 2001
Scary thought of the day
Posted Jan 24, 2001
Steve Case--that boob that has made an incredibly bad ISP into a dominant force in today's world (somehow)--now owns Bugs Bunny.
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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2001
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