This is the Message Centre for Kyra

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 41


Hey Bane, just sorting out some stuff for the rpg. I won't be on much over the next few weeks, and we had to squeeze in a wedding today around my schedule, so there are some tired people who really should be going to bed. And I think I'm one of them! I'm so tired! smiley - yawn

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 42

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

So sleep already! smiley - smiley

Weddings are stressful (not that I would know) and I guess virtual ones are too. So when is Kyra getting hitched? smiley - winkeye

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 43


Kyra's way too anti-social to get married. Or have a civilised conversation. Or meet a guy she doesn't want to kill.

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 44

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

So she won't associate or talk with her husband, and will constantly want to murder him. Sounds like a normal marriage to me! smiley - biggrin

From what I've read Kyra is by far the coolest character, you should write more about her. Maybe she seems a bit 'cold', but character's (like people) always have stuff going on beneath the surface. I learnt that writing scripts!

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 45


Oh great, everyone thinks she's cold. Have you been lurking?

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 46

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

Er, yes . It seemed like you were having a bad time, thats why I posted. Sorry. I don't usually read around here much.

By the way, I don't REALLY think she's cold, just saying people could get that idea from first impressions. Once you get to know someone things change smiley - winkeye

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 47


smiley - cross Naughty smiley - winkeye

It's okay, it gets a bit heated sometimes because a lot of it is so personal. We worked it out.

Is there subtext there? smiley - winkeye

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 48

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

I see my half-assed attempt at subtlety didn't escape you. smiley - blush

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 49


Is it strange that I take being seen as cold as almost a compliment? smiley - laugh

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 50

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

No. But you're not. smiley - smiley

At least you have an idea about how people percieve you. I don't have a clue what ANYONE thinks of me. I've never been called ugly, or handsome, or dorky, or smart, or creative, or thoughtful, or friendly, or a w**ker, or cold, or, erm, hot, or anything. Thats why I could never come up with a 'character' based on myself - he'd just be a non-entity I think.

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 51


Heh heh. Would it help if I called you one or more of those things?

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 52

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

If they're going to be "Ugly", "Dorky", and "W**ker", don't bother, I already suspected I was those. smiley - smiley

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 53


Ah. Okay then.

smiley - whistle

smiley - winkeye

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 54

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

Damn! My usual method of self-deprecation to elicit sympathy doesn't work on you! smiley - sadface

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 55


No. No it doesn't.

smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 56

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

I suppose its time I dropped it. It doesn't even work anyway. From now on I promise to be more full of myself. In return, YOU have to stop thinking you're bad at stuff you're actually really good at. Deal?

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 57


smiley - erm Now I'm curious - like what?

(See this is where I elicit compliments, but you brought it up smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout)

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 58

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

Um, you know. Do you really want me to say it?

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 59


smiley - whistle Never mind, I'm just slow today.

Hello Kyra, my arch-nemesis

Post 60

KyrasBane - Nevermore.

English assignments, of course!

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