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The Boston Sofa
Amanda Posted Aug 13, 1999
Looky at all the lovely people stopping by! Hullooo, pizza boy!
*Does an interpretive dance to the tune of "Love Will Keep Us Together" by Captain And Tennille as a means of welcome*
Krissy, would you please pass the styrofoam packing peanu...I mean "popcorn" (heh heh), and Greg you're blocking the, "screen". The "remote" is NOT a shoe! Geesh!
The Boston Sofa
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 13, 1999
*passing over the "popcorn" and grinning at Amanda* Good thing that Pizza Delivery Boy isn't actually a rabid dog, 'else I'd be worried. *settles back to watch the "movie"*
The Boston Sofa
Jonny Posted Aug 13, 1999
What leads you to believe that the pizza delivery boy isn't a rabid dog?
The Boston Sofa
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 13, 1999
*loftily* I have simpy decided that he isn't. Just like Amanda has decided that those packing peanuts are popcorn. *lobbing over some suntan oi...ah... "mustard"* Put that next to the "hot dogs".
The Boston Sofa
Follower of Murphy´s Law Posted Aug 13, 1999
Uhm ..
err.. hello .. these four family pizzas are getting really heavy by now, can´t you just tell me were to put ´em cause the pasta and the other stuff down in the car is getting cold ..
Maybe i´ll just drop `em on that fridge over there ...
The Boston Sofa
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 13, 1999
See? I told you he wasn't a rabid dog. You fool! That's no fridge! That's our TV! *sheesh* the people they hire to deliver food these days. Just drop the pizzas next to the couch and have a sit down. The food'll keep and Raiders of the Lost Ark is about to start.
Yum! (and I ain't talkin' about the pizza!)
Spartus, you can make room for Andy and I'll try to get him here soon. He doesn't know anything about computers so we'll have to show up together some night.
Budge up Ant! Hey Amanda, have a sit down and we'll oggle at Ford! mmmmmmmmmmm....Indiana.....
The Boston Sofa
Amanda Posted Aug 13, 1999
Ahhhhhh....Harrison... *drool*
You're right, Krissy! Watching "Blade Runner" and "Indiana Jones" at the same time was a smashing idea! But if we budge up anymore, NeverBob will be on my lap...oh well! Pass the "Hot Dogs" please.
The Boston Sofa
NeverBob Posted Aug 14, 1999
Sitting on a lady's lap while she watches Harrison Ford. If one can stand the drool, it could be enjoyable...
Plus, stuff blows up in both movies. I can dig that.
The Boston Sofa
beetle, return of Posted Aug 14, 1999
Is it just me? Or is this "sofa" in a really dark back alley? I feel like i'm in an infocom game.
You are in a dark alley way. There is a box, a sofa, several drooling girls, and a rabid dog. There is an exit to the north.
You are in a small antique shop. The layer of dust is thicker than your thumb. There is a shelf, a lamp, and a half eaten peanut butter sandwhich.
Take all
Lamp- taken
Sandwhich- taken
Shelf- when you pull on the shelf, it falls on top of you.
The Boston Sofa
RiffRaff Posted Aug 14, 1999
It's too heavy.
I don't understand the word "yell" when you use it that way.
Your throat begins to hurt.
***You have died.***
Your score is 23 out of a possible 5,000,000.
This gives you the title of Pathetic Whimpering Loser.
Would you like to [R]estart, or [Q]uit?
The Boston Sofa
Ant Posted Aug 14, 1999
Personally I think I'll reset. By the way Kate moved flat while we weren't looking again guys. Mmmm Pizza. I think I'll take to sitting on the floor as this Sofa is getting a bit crowded.
The Boston Sofa
NeverBob Posted Aug 15, 1999
Since there appears to be a chance that this all might be just one big bizarre hallucination, please don't anyone ever ever never ever tell me in a million years what those things were on what I just ate truly believing it was pizza.
Cause they looked like olives.
The Boston Sofa
what you know as km Posted Aug 15, 1999
Ewwwww, no, it couldn't have been anything as ghastly as olives.
*opens up a cardboard box and climbs inside*
The Boston Sofa
Follower of Murphy´s Law Posted Aug 15, 1999
Huh... who muttered bout olives... sorry I slept through the ford movies, but there is no chance that it could have been olives, for we run out of olives yesterday ... by the way, I´ve got some Icecream in the car too.
If someones intrested ?
The Boston Sofa
beeline Posted Aug 16, 1999
Eeeeeww olive ice-cream!
I prefer salmon and pork soufflé myself.
The Boston Sofa
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 16, 1999
Chicken Ripple Ice Cream! Mmmmmmmmmmmm....grosss.....Hey get out of that box! I'm trying to watch Harrison Ford!
Key: Complain about this post
The Boston Sofa
- 81: Amanda (Aug 13, 1999)
- 82: Classic Krissy (Aug 13, 1999)
- 83: Jonny (Aug 13, 1999)
- 84: Spartus (Aug 13, 1999)
- 85: Classic Krissy (Aug 13, 1999)
- 86: Follower of Murphy´s Law (Aug 13, 1999)
- 87: Classic Krissy (Aug 13, 1999)
- 88: Amanda (Aug 13, 1999)
- 89: Jonny (Aug 13, 1999)
- 90: what you know as km (Aug 14, 1999)
- 91: NeverBob (Aug 14, 1999)
- 92: beetle, return of (Aug 14, 1999)
- 93: RiffRaff (Aug 14, 1999)
- 94: Ant (Aug 14, 1999)
- 95: NeverBob (Aug 15, 1999)
- 96: what you know as km (Aug 15, 1999)
- 97: Follower of Murphy´s Law (Aug 15, 1999)
- 98: what you know as km (Aug 15, 1999)
- 99: beeline (Aug 16, 1999)
- 100: Classic Krissy (Aug 16, 1999)
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