This is the Message Centre for Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours


Post 41

Suz - *is gone*

smiley - hug good that you dont go and get money off him though.
...what did your mum say when you knocked him out?


Post 42

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

She was really surprised at the time cause I am the pacafist out of my brother and I.


Post 43

Suz - *is gone*

Mm.....well I hope it helped the situation.

I've had a fun 24 hours. Last night I was having really back tummy pains and pains around my kidney areas in my back. During the night it got steadily worse still I was screaming with ow so mum called the night doctor who sent me straight into hopsital. i went on a machine giving me anti biotics and I came out @ 6pm coz I wanted to come home. I've got a kidney infection, I feel like sh*t, it kills to move, im feverish, feeling very ill and I have a maths exam tomorrow.

Ho hum.


Post 44

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Ouch. smiley - hug *gently* I am really sorry, how long will it last?


Post 45

Suz - *is gone*

Im feeling much better now, unfortunately yesterday I wasnt feeling better, so mum phoned up the college and said I couldnt make the exam in the afternoon and they said id have to be withdrawn. So no GCSEs. Again, ho hum.
smiley - hug to you too, not so gently though :-p

Are you ok, how are your AS exams doing <'re doing AS's, yeah?>. I hope everythings going ok, coz you're neglecting H2G2 *takes a sniff on behalf of everyone on H2G2*



Post 46

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Yes it is AS's. Things are going o.k. I had the original English exam from Hell yesterday, but at least the History today was good. I now have a week until my next exams and I really need it. I really have to revise. I try not to neglect h2g2. I am sorry about your GCSE's and your infection.


Post 47

Suz - *is gone*

Ok. Your entry was written in note form. So the reply shall be too.
Im sure you did well in your english exam. You seem intelligent so Im assuming you did. Im glad history went well.
I know you try not to ignore h2g2. I was winding you up .
Thankyou for the sorry. I hope your exams go well.


Post 48

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Thanks. Sorry about writing in note format, my mind wasn't working too well, it was late and I had had my History Exams. OH well at least I am half way through them now. How goes it for you?


Post 49

Suz - *is gone*

Im generally better now, just sung @ 2 weddings so my throats a bit sore.

Dont get too worried about exams.....otherwise you wont be able to come on h2g2 @ all smiley - sadface!


Post 50

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

I try not to.


Post 51

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

worry that is


Post 52

Suz - *is gone*

mmm....well good. I hope things are going ok


Post 53

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

well I will know by the end of tomorrow cause after that I only have one left.


Post 54

Suz - *is gone*

Mmm....well.....good luck


Post 55

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Yeah was, I am usually on only briefly. Wel I survived and now I have only my last Geography one on Friday, Yes three day weekend!!!!


Post 56

Suz - *is gone*

he he he, cool..
You must see my surfing blob.


Post 57

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

surfing blob?

Suz, you may have already told me, but where are you from?


Post 58

Suz - *is gone*

I am from Cheltenham . And you're from....<birmingham springs to mind, but if it isnt birmingham then its around there <> >.

Mmmmm, you have to see my surfing blob!!!!!!! Are you on MSN or AIM or anything or could you very secretly send me your email address so I could send it to you?


Post 59

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

I am not on MSN or the other one, how could I send you it secretly?


Post 60

Suz - *is gone*

my email address is [email protected], so if you send an email to that then I will know.but could you say "the girl who heard dragons" in the subject box, coz for some reason I get loads and loads of porn in my inbox <...i dont ask for it obv> and they have subjects like "hi" "you asked me to email you" ect, so I tend to delete them, so could you use what I wrote up there so I know its you?

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