This is the Message Centre for Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours


Post 1

Suz - *is gone*

Mm, my dad has been doing that since I was born and he fiiinally settled on a woman from devon about 3 years.So he's been screwing money out of us since then and left me with depression,anti depressants coming out of my ears and ongoing appointments with psychologists.
@ the moment he's twisting my sister Gwenefer to be how he wants, she said the other week "he wouldnt hurt a fly" .
So if you need anyone to moan @, try me smiley - smiley


Post 2

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Thank you for the offer, well I am not on the anti-depressents yet although my form teacher advised me to go see a doctor. As I am sure you will agree, this has not eased my fears, infact has made me more worried. But the way I see things is that you should not put on acts infront of different groups, if you are sad, you are sad, you don't just say oh I shall now be happy for this group of people. I am me. I am blunt, if I offend, tough. (Did that sound too harsh?)


Post 3

Suz - *is gone*

No, not harsh @ all.
I didnt want to go to the doctors, but mum took me because I lost about 1 stone and wouldnt go out of the house without shaking, crying my eyes out and fainting of fear (I was terrified people were going to kill me if I went outside you see). So they gave me loads of wierd tablets (which made me stay up all night hallucinating,very scary,not nice) then decided to send me off to a psychologist. But mm. No, I agree with you, people shouldnt wear masks.


Post 4

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Thanks for agreeing, sorry to hear about the tablets. Are you ok now?


Post 5

Suz - *is gone*

Mmmmmm, much better now thanx. Lol, mums just walked throght the front door sobbing "I gotta go to the loo" . But mm, I'm outwardly normal now.Apart from being BFG .


Post 6

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Excuse me, that is nothing! I am 6 ft 4 and size 17 ~ 18 depending on shoes.


Post 7

Suz - *is gone*

Mmmm,but tall boys with big feet are cool , with girls its slightly out of the ordinary. But hey, I'm unique smiley - smiley


Post 8

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

It is good to be unique, wouldn't it be crap to have a world where there were no individuals? Yes I am a boy.


Post 9

Suz - *is gone*

I know, thats why I suppose its good im unique!

Ahh, woo hoo, I'm not totally stupid smiley - smiley


Post 10

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

yep sure is


Post 11

Suz - *is gone*



Post 12

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

you alright?


Post 13

Suz - *is gone*

my feelings dont


Post 14

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

They do to me...seriously are you alright?


Post 15

Suz - *is gone*



Post 16

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

ok sort of


Post 17

Suz - *is gone*

whats wrong?


Post 18

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

the usual lot, work etc etc


Post 19

Suz - *is gone*

mm, major YUCK factor.


Post 20

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours


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