This is the Message Centre for Captain Kebab


Post 1

Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

Just wanted to share with you my enthusiasm of classic carzzz, although my knowledge is limited, if not very very small. I love the MGB and Midget... and that's about all really. Excuse this highly pointless message, i'm bored. very bored. very bored indeed. ciao! -FF


Post 2

Captain Kebab

It wasn't pointless, it got me to search the Guide for an entry on MGBs, and there isn't one. There should be. I'm not sure I want to do one myself, but it's given me something to think about. Also I'm always glad to meet fellow enthusiasts.

When I was a kid and I told my mum I was bored, she'd always make some transparently untenable suggestion like, 'why don't you tidy your room / do your homework / mow the lawn'.

I'm pleased to say that my advice is of a different order altogether. Keep surfing on h2g2 - you're sure to find something interesting in a minute or two! Try the infinite improbablity drive on the front page. smiley - smiley

Failing that, you could try surfing the net for some information on MGBs and Midgets - you'll find there's loads of it.

Or I guess you could just watch TV or go down the pub. smiley - biggrin


Post 3

Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

I have already done much searching for MGs with many results smiley - smiley thanx for allll those suggestions, i will utilise them to my greatest ability. visit my Space. go on, visit it. no-one ever goes there. it's got cobwebs on it! visittt NOWWWW! smiley - tongueout

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