This is the Message Centre for Denkar

Greetings Denkar. :)

Post 1


smiley - smiley Greetings and Welcome to H2G2! smiley - smiley

I'm Phoenix, one of the ACEs here on I saw that you were new here, so I thought I'd stop by and make sure you know we're glad you're here.

Did the cat live at your house before you got there, or has he/she taken it over since moving in?

If you need any help finding anything, on the site or in the books, please feel free to ask. In the meantime, you might want to check out the following pages for more information on the site ......

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smiley - smiley Have a pleasant continued existance. smiley - smiley



smiley - fish

Greetings Denkar. :)

Post 2


Hi Phoenix,
Thanks for your info. The cat (whose name is Trash, for reasons soon to become evident) was the impetus for our buying our new house. I had found him as a kitten under the trash dumpster at work. I brought him home to an apartment where pets were not allowed, and while looking for a new place, found that I could afford to buy instead. This was taken by Trash as an attempt to garner his affections by buying him a house, and I've allowed him to retain that notion.

Greetings Denkar. :)

Post 3


Greetings smiley - smiley

Well, cat's can take things that way sometimes. They never consider the human to be the one in charge and like to think that everything is due to their presence. Best to just let them think that, I guess. At least Trash did help you to move yourself up a bit in the world by sparking the idea to move.



smiley - fish

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