Journal Entries


over a year now since i quit smoking, and if there's ever been a time i was tempted to start up again it's been this week. 3 days since the World Trade Center was destroyed, and i'm still in a state of shock. we had a candlelight vigil tonight, and while i was out there, the first airplane i've seen since tuesday went overhead. gave me the shivers. gonna be a long time before things get back to normal around here.

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Latest reply: Sep 15, 2001

nothing much

ok,,,almost 4 months since i quit smoking and haven't had one yet....still going strong. Not using zyban any more, used it for two months, then stopped. But I can highly recommend it. Two days till Christmas, hope everyone has a good one!

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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2000

9 November 2000

The wife picked up a copy of the new Zelda game for N64, Majora's Mask, and we have been playing it for the last couple of days. So far it seems pretty good, altho you have to make sure you have an enhancement pack or else you can't play it. That adds another $20-$30 right there. The game itself is reminiscent of the movie "Groundhog Day", with Bill Murray. Not in the plot, just the device they use. You have three days to save the world from impending doom, vis a vis a large menacing asteroid that is crashing upon you,,,,but if you don't succeed, you can start again at dawn of the first day,,,with all you have already accomplished. Pretty neat. So basically, you just keep living the same three days over and over,,,doing things differently each time to try to accomplish all you need to do to save the world.

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2000

Election, 2000,,,,,USA

OK....go ahead and say it. What a screw up. But you have to admit,,,in many countries, bullets would be flying by now. At least we know that if we wait for a little while, it will all be resolved. Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket.

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2000

Pa Kua Chang

(otherwise known as baguazhang)
Pa Kua Chang, or eight trigrams palm, is one of the so-called internal martial arts of China. Like it's cousin, Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua is known for the use of chi to create inner strength, rather than relying on muscular power. It was allegedly created in the nineteenth century by Tung Hai-Chuan (1796-1880), but was most likely merely passed on through him from an earlier unknown source.
Based on the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, Pa Kua is derived from the eight trigrams, which are merged in all their different combinations to form the 64 hexagrams. There are 64 corresponding postures in Pa Kua. Added to these palm movements is the concept of 'walking the circle.' This builds up endurance during practice sessions, and prepares the practitioner for the constant circling for advantage found in sparring. It is only when the proper angle has been achieved that a circular attack is launched on the opponent.
There are several weapons associated with Pa Kua, including the straight double-edged sword, a slightly curved sabre, a lance, and the most distinctive of Pa Kua weapons, the semi-circular sword. The basis of using these weapons is the same as the empty hand style. They rely on the circling moves of the user to generate their power.

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2000

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