"Why you doddering fem-sucked dewberry! I'm going to find something to strike you with, excuse me!"

Hullo, one and all. Field Agent Erik Nelson, reporting for duty! A quick personal bio:

Born in the Glorious Southwest of the slightly more northerly state of Idaho in the United States, I'm currently living in the More Northerly Portion of that state. I'm somewhere between 5'11 and 6'2", depending on which gas station I'm running out of. Weight is about 170lbs and some change. Hair is that typically Norwegian blonde with blueish eyes, depending on ambient light and the amount of alcohol I've consumed, in which case they run from granite to bloodshot. I'm pursuing a degree in creative writing and military studies at the University of Idaho. My hobbies include cycling (road and crosscountry), running, sharpshooting, martial arts, military history, philosophy, natural sciences, programming, the sciences, archery, camping, survival, model kits, online gaming, art, and of course, creative fictions and creative nonfiction (which is just as fictional as regular fiction but with a few real things that might have happened, tossed in to throw people off the scent).

First and foremost, however, I'm a soldier in the US Army* and proud of it. Despite how Americans may be viewed the world over, I always keep uppermost in my mind the fact that while I may not be always taking the -best- course of action, I am always doing my personal best to pursue the -right- course, and aid others as best I am able. Being human as the rest of you, I therefore am prone to mistakes and can only try to learn from them and press on, even towel-less. (See disclaimer below).

There have only been a handful of books that have truly impacted my life. Dune, The Power of One, The Hobbit, Green Eggs and Ham, and of course, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Trilogy). Hearing that there is an -actual- guide, I realized what a fantastic ****ing idea it was and signed up. I envision a day when I can be dropped off in the middle of nowhere (which is slightly to the left of Somewhere, Mississippi) with nothing but my knife, boots, a towel, and the Guide, and survive for at least a day or two before I go mad without my email access.

I'll be describing a great deal about the Slightly Less Western than Washington But Not So Far East as South Dakota but Still Fairly Northern United States. And Parts More Southerly And Other Slightly More Intruiguing Places Than Parts of Idaho But Not So Boring as The Dakotas.

Also, I intend to add in useful information such as wilderness survival, urban survival, online survival, and for those interested, ways to completely avoid any kind of survival in said areas.

I may put in something completely irrelevent to anything at all. Like whinging about my personal life. Read at your own risk! Feel free to contact me at [email protected], if you actually have something insightful and relevant to say. Please don't bother sending me flames as they'll simply be deleted and somewhere, on a tiny little square yard of this planet earth, I'll no longer like you very much. It's also my IM address. Again, no spam, please. I'm allergic to it.

*(DISCLAIMER: The opinions of this individual in no way, shape, or form represent those of the US Army, Deparment of Defense, or past, present, or future American Military policy or any other aspect of the United States government or it's constituency. All opinions, statements of fact, fiction, or basically anything that is attributed to the operator of this online log are to be considered no more valid than his own personal statements or opinions unless substantiated by an outside source of authority as well, e.g. federal media outlets or professional scientific authorities.)


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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