Wolf Says, "Whatever"


Thanks for coming over here. I don't really have much right now. The "Marvin vs. Socrates isn't very far along, but feel free to take a look. The only other content that I really have right now is "Who Wants To Pass" and "Louis, Louis." So take a look if you want to, and please come back later.

Anyways, I'm Wolf. Or you can call me Vidboi. I'll answer to either, I'm quite nice like that. My girlfriend is wierd like me. She's over U116335 there.

I'm a guy. I'm quite hyperactive by most people's standards. I'm also annoyingly optimistic by most people's standards, so if you want to have fun trying to disturb me, simply say something pessimistic. Or not, you know? I'm also disturbingly apathetic, so I just might not care...

Thanks and have an exceedingly delightful day, just because they're more fun that way. (See? Annoying optimism!)

Or not. It's your day, so it won't really matter to me a whole lot. Oh, well. (Look! Disturbing apathy!)

Did I mention sarcasm?


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