Journal Entries

Another Longing . .. .

Although sleep can be rewarding and delicious at times, there are many times when I wish that I could avoid it all together. I am never bored (well, not really) and always have something to do, or could find something to do. It really seems that there aren't enough wakeful hours in the day to get the things done that I want to get done. Possibly, I set too high a goal for myself. I would like to stay awake and work all night long while most of the other members of this household slept. Especially if I am experiencing a creative frenzy and am haunted by the screams of naked and unborn dolls!

And here is another thought: Naps are yummy! Possibly I could try to just take a few naps to keep me going, but usually, once I crawl into bed at night, I'm down for the count . . .

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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2000

The Princess Bride

Call me a hopeless romantic, call me out of touch with reality, or call me an idiot . . . but it is my one true desire to be the Princess Bride. I want my farmboy to utter those magical, melting words: "As you wish"! I want my farm boy to think of me as the most precious thing in the world! Sometimes he may even take on the bad-boy persona of "The Dread Pirate Roberts" and may have to slay my foes and enemies and protect me like a rare jewel - and that's fine by me! He shall always think of me as his "true love" . .. . ahhhh, that's my true desire!

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I long for so many things . . . what do you long for? This evening I longed to be held in both arms and hearts. My partner and my lover are miles and miles away. I can only hope that I was held in their heart. . . I am real. I have longings, desires, dreams and wishes.

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Latest reply: Sep 23, 2000

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