I'm afraid I'm quite mad

I've always had these pyschotic dreams as I sleep but while I'm awake they drift into the background of a day. I would Like to have a normal dream to see what it is like but I don't think my fragile mind could take
it. I believe the world is made from one small chance a trillon years ago. I'm a byproduct of chance I'm
a still picture in a ever moving circus. If you have deja vu as often as I do you have to believe in the
connection of a past experience what past I'm still debating. maybe I've seen this all before maybe the day I was born. As I was born the light hit my eyes my whole future lay before me as I go through life I am
sorting the vision hence the sight of future has been mapped its my choice to move so i move make mistakes get up and say thanks for the tea.

Im really an idiot you can't begin know to me from this introduction but it is me a rambling fool


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