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My thoughts and random veiws

Post 1


It's been years since I first came in contact with the guide but to this day I am still being affected by its
plot and characters. For instance, in most cases when I meet new people I classify them under one douglas' many visions of people he uses in his book. sad huh. For example I have a friend I classify as dirk gently because of his flaky veiws on how things are connected maybe its my friends former drug use still he is dirks incaranate. I am Ford, a traveler with only one worry the next story, the next new face the next new adventure. If one day the travel ends I hope I will have the imagination my friend Douglas had. I've
never cleaned a chicken house but i plan to oh yes I plan to. So it begins a forum for which hopefully
I am welcome to share these absurd thoughts to someone who can erase or just maybe find a smile
from my pcychosis or paranoias in which I call my daily passage. thanks for the tea

sir chobbs

smiley - tea

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My thoughts and random veiws

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