This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Books, books, books!

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Hmmmm. Do you want specific things, or do you want general histories? And what time period would you like? Later middle ages? Is there a particular country?

No, really. I'm so bored now that my exams are over and all I have to do in the next six months is write a dissertation proposal that I'm anxious for things to do.

So let me know, and I'll see what I can find for you.

Books, books, books!

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Nice of you smiley - biggrin. Well, later middle ages (or "high" middle ages) sounds good, and what I'm mainly interested in is not general timeframes of what king died where when, those are easy to get, but rather those little details that make history into a story... Reenactment-wise, it's always good to know about the lot and life of commoners and vagrants like myself. And what would be really helpful is information on tents, if and when and how they were built, as i'd like mine to be halfway authentic.

If there's anything you need specifically on architectural history, I can get that for you since i work in the department...

smiley - cheers and Thanks!

Books, books, books!

Post 3

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Okay, it's old school, presents a pretty static picture, and occasionally makes some really racist comments, but George Homan's "English Villagers of the 13th Century" has a lot on daily life in England. Another good one is "Women at Work in Medieval Europe" by Cosman.

For a more intellectual take, Paul Freedman's "Images of the Medieval Peasant".

For specifics on tent making, yikes. I'll have to dig on that one.

Books, books, books!

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

Thankssmiley - smiley, I'll go see whether my Uni has English history books, or possibly good translations...

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