Journal Entries
Posted Jun 9, 2005
Wow, time flies when your breathing! In the last 4 weeks I have rescued 2 lizards (1 water dragon, and 1 iguana) had a flood in my store, wrestled a giant man-eating wait ignore that middle bit, that was 5 weeks ago. Anyway, time flies, and sometimes it knocks its head against a window for a while. Knock, knock. I have discovered the truth about time travel. You can go backwards but not forwards. Why, you ask? Because the future is determined by the events of the present, therefore the future you "go to" is only one possible future. Whereas if you jump to the past, it has already happened. The script, as it were, has been written. Also, if you went back in time and mucked about, you wouldn't really be changing anything because the "future" you are coming from is actually the present and it has already been decided by the events from the past. Make sense? A word of caution, Do Not attempt to kill your past self to prove this theory wrong. Even Stephen Hawking can make mistakes!
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Latest reply: Jun 9, 2005
Posted Apr 28, 2005
I often wonder if there is any surgery involved in obtaining a marketing degree (like collagen injections are required for actors). I own a submarine sandwich shop that is part of a franchise. This franchise has a "marketing department". My marketing guru, and I use that term sarcastically, seems to be lacking a frontal lobe. Which is why I wonder about the skill requirements for the job.
I picture a long assembly line, or un-assembly line in this case, where prospective students are whisked along a conveyer belt to the sound of famous TV commercial jingles. At the end is the Lobototron 6000©, a “golden” arch that straddles the conveyor and performs instantaneous lobotomies on the students as they pass below. Thus reducing I.Q. levels to marketing standards, i.e. a little above wet paper bag but not as high as an elementary school gym teacher.
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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2005
Theory of Tangible Interaction
Posted Apr 27, 2005
The following was inspired by Stephen Hawking's
A Brief History of Time:
Theory of Tangible Interaction
How do we define the way the universe works?
If the earth can be used as a complex example of the physical universe, as there is a finite number of organically complex planets
Then Deep space can be used as a simple example of the physical universe.
If the theory is correct for the earth
Then it will hold true for more basic universal objects, as well as what is generally referred to as empty space (Interplanetary = Intergalactic = Intra-universal).
Through the science of biology we have the Classification System (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) thus identifying and categorizing the varying degrees of genetic differences between the diverse species on the planet. From this we can infer that such diversity would occur on all life bearing planets, however it does not assist in the creation of a commonality or a “quick definition” of the universe.
The science of physics and astronomy has taught us that there are certain undeniable laws in the universe. These laws are established and defined through careful observation of the universe as well as our own planet. They are based on measurable facts and intellectual speculation/inference. But the laws of gravity, speed, and time do not define the universe and how it functions as a whole.
There is one aspect of the universe that is readily definable, the tangible interaction of every molecule from one end of the universe to the other. There is nothing that physically exists in the universe that is completely self-contained and isolated from interaction.....
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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2005
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