This is the Message Centre for Ottox

mail @ h2g2support

Post 1


- Help needed with BBC iD -

Dear person who read this.

I've been on h2g2 for nine and a half year as U150740, but after tomorrow I won't be able to log in if I don't get some help. I've asked for that a few times already (<./>T7218049&show=1&skip=51</.> and <./>T7218049&show=1&skip=311</.&gtsmiley - winkeye, but as I haven't recieved any reply, I'll try once again.

I'm not stupid. The "update" procedure is very simple and I have done it without a problem on a new account, so it's not like I can't find out how to do it. But it does not work on my main account! Whether I've done something wrong when I first tried to migrate a few months ago, I can't tell, but no matter what, I'm not able to do the migration without help!

Let me describe the problem (again):
The name I've always (or rather since SSO) used when I log in, is Ottox42 with an uppercase o. However it seems that it really should be ottox42 with a lowercase o, as that's what I see when I'm logged in: "Hello ottox42, I'm not ottox42".

If I use that login name - doesn't matter whether it's uppercase or lowercase o - together with my password "******" on the BBC iD sign in page (, I'm taken to an "Upgrade your details page" ( which already has filled the Username field with "ottox42" (lowercase o).

If I go on from there without changing the o, I get an error message saying "There has been a problem, please check your legacy_username.fieldname and legacy_user_id.fieldname".

If I change the o to uppercase, I instead get an error message saying "There has been a problem, please check your username", and I'm told that "This username is already taken".

Yes, the username is taken. By me. And I have no idea how I'm supposed to check those two legacy...fieldnames more than I've already done. By the good look of the error messages, you'd think *somebody* could help though.

I really hope you can find that somebody for me so I can keep my account.

If you can, I'll be happy.
If you tell me "sorry, but there's nothing we can do", I'll be sad but accept it.
If you tell me to go stick my had in a pig or smiley - bleep off, well... I'll live.

But please! *Do* give me *some* reply, eh?

Ottox (U150740)

mail @ h2g2support

Post 2


In case I don't get help, I'll be at U14317463 - but even less than I'm here now!

mail @ h2g2support

Post 3

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

*adds new Ottox, just in case*

smiley - hug

mail @ h2g2support

Post 4


smiley - hug

mail @ h2g2support

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


mail @ h2g2support

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - sadface

That's a bummer, Ottox! Tomorrow we'll all roll out of bed and find out whether the system migrated properly. I'm prepared to cut and paste all my old journals and P.S. content from my old PS to whatever new PS I have to set up. I hope this won't be necessary.

mail @ h2g2support

Post 7


Well, as far as I've seen in the Announcements threads, you should be ok Paul smiley - smiley
(As should just about everybody else. I really don't understand why I'm so special smiley - tongueout)

The eds have promised to look into my problems. They'll wait till after the switchover has taken place though. I can't really imagine that they cant "save" me somehow. We'll see.

mail @ h2g2support

Post 8

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

oh well, as we say here: it aint no shame to stay away from the party if yer aint invited smiley - whistle

just kidding, brother ottox, i hope to see you again wednesday at the latest (as i may be very busy tomorrow)

smiley - pirate

mail @ h2g2support

Post 9


smiley - snowball

mail @ h2g2support

Post 10

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - dragon

mail @ h2g2support

Post 11


When, and if you do get a reply, please pass it on, because I'm having the exact same problem..

smiley - sadface

mail @ h2g2support

Post 12

I am Ottox

Ah, so I'm not *that* special?! Good! smiley - tongueout

mail @ h2g2support

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I've had to delete your new number from my friends' list because it made my page unreadable smiley - sadface

mail @ h2g2support

Post 14


That sounds weird. Unreadable, how?

Nevermind, look who's here! smiley - magic

mail @ h2g2support

Post 15

I am Ottox

Damn! smiley - sadface

mail @ h2g2support

Post 16


smiley - evilgrin

mail @ h2g2support

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Unreadable as in, before you were "I am Ottox" your name was 1234123412341234123412341234 or somesuch string of numberssmiley - erm and I could only see the first quarter of my page because the scrollbar was humongous.

mail @ h2g2support

Post 18


That wasn't me! 93?thread=939585" >F19585?thread=7289003&skip=57&show=1

mail @ h2g2support

Post 19

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

OKsmiley - ermnow I'm confused, your new U-number had the nickname : - ( when I added it to my friends list. It was just below BMT at #2 position. That was the one that was killing my PS this morning, so I deleted it so I could read my messages (I didn't have much time, I was going out).

I came here to tell you because I assumed it was your other account because I noticed it had changed from : - ( to "I am Ottox" and assumed you'd done the numbers thing to annoy the smiley - mod

smiley - sorryOttoxsmiley - smooch

mail @ h2g2support

Post 20

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I am not Ottox, but I still love all of you. smiley - smooch

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