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H2G2 Code Block

Post 1


I have no idea what a H2G2 code block is, or what I'm meant to do with it. I'm going for a wee smiley - coffee to sort my head out, but never fear I shall return. For help, if nothing else. And thanks for the smiley - nahnah it made me smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers Bimalina

H2G2 Code Block

Post 2


You're very welcome! smiley - smiley

If you want to know about the code, you can read A863516. smiley - ok

You can also skip that, and just eat the smiley - cake I'm offering you! smiley - winkeye

What Code?

Post 3


Hi ya, to hell with the code, I'll just have the lovely smiley - cake you offer and wash it down with a smiley - cappuccino.This is all new to me and I feel a bit smiley - silly. I feel maybe a smiley - redwine or two help me get round it, but I having a good giggle. So thanks for the welcome. How's you anyway?

smiley - cheers Bimalina

What Code?

Post 4


Hi again,
Just read my rely to you. It would be good if I could spell smiley - doh!
Ah well, it's all smiley - cool.

Bye for now Bimlina

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