Journal Entries
Posted Jan 24, 2010
Still omnipresent, working in mysterious ways.
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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2010
anger, fury, RAGE
Posted Dec 19, 2006
heh. so much for my inner buddha. it'll be reincarnated one day, I have faith. like a phoenix, from the ashes
just for the moment, just for today
RAGE, VIOLENCE and DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSES. I wish I had the liberty of humongous, glowing, flaming, clawing, tearing text for this one journal.
Huge, ugly, sanity-rending sound
closer. NIN
dolby. it goes into the fabric of your entire meager existence.
I'm a danger to self and others, maybe.
probably not.
If I can press this fury outward enough, without taking action, it'll be ok. I'll be spent.
don't come any closer
remember the Tsunami?
remember the pictures of 911?
remember the GODFORSAKENSTUPIDITY of 'shock and awe'?
that's all in me today. embedded with a nugget of unmaintainable evil.
my boundaries are made of flapping plastic, rent with holes
i do not need a direction of flow, so don't let anyone give me one, please god. heh Funny prayer for a buddhist, right?
this morning I couldn't control the tears
no tears left
but my right eye won't stop twitching
and I'm wondering if I might have some kinda stroke or something
probably no such release available
this is the antithesis of creative energy
just as compelling
head stretching, brain quivering on the edge of implode
dark energy
if I look at it in my mind's eye it's a whirlpool of red and putrescent green, the color of life thwarted,dismembered,rotting
and black
i remember the other stuff, from a place outside my Now. that stuff flings outwards, the colors are in-lighted wonderment.
another day
it's new territory today
for art. heh
my whole existence is gone
help me
you bring me closer to god
help me
to tear down my reason
help me think I'm somebody else
I'm not having a good day.
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Latest reply: Dec 19, 2006
Bliss grenades.
Posted Sep 21, 2006
Yesterday evening the first coolish front of Fall passed through! It felt great to open my place and not feel sticky. Of course, here in Florida (even central Florida) that probably means the temp was in the low 70sF last night. But it heralds the beginning of my favorite season, and now I live *here* there will actually be something that resembles my idea of Autumn. In Fort Lauderdale I kinda had a homeopathic version of the cooler seasons-- a molecule of coolness was sufficient to concoct a tincture of Fall, with all the accompanying accessories.
This morning I went for a bike ride along the bay, stopped for breakfast at the Lucky Dill deli downtown and then cruised the streets for an hour to see what's back there. I live in an *awesome* place! Suits me perfectly. I think I'll start biking to $2.95 breakfast a few times weekly. This morning gave me a totally new sense of connection to St. Petersburg.
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Latest reply: Sep 21, 2006
oops. I may *not* be immortal.
Posted Aug 8, 2006
In this lifetime.
The Idea!
I'll figure out how to get my head around this one before I call my parents and friends with the news. Oddly, I'm much more concerned about having to *tell* people, to deal with emotional reactions, both theirs and mine, than I am about what my immediate and extended future might hold. I already pretty much knew that I was unlikely to have the best-of-all-possible diagnoses,(Ugly Mole, glad it's gone). And, having looked at some cancer websites lately I already knew that Ugly Mole was doing an incredibly polished and complete impersonation of Flourishing Melanoma. So it's not a surprise.
Now it's just a matter of how to manage this event correctly. So far everything has been put beautifully in place. I'm extraordinarily fortunate in this.
1) I moved from stress zone to ParadiseII
2) Brother lives nearby, and not only that, he's a surgeon and his fiance is a midwife. So they *know* about stuff and have been able to help me in ways very few uninsured people have available to them.
3) Moffitt Cancer Center is nearby, just a couple miles from my brother's place. Now I have a pathological diagnosis I can proceed through them, even without insurance. They have a very good reputation.
4) I practice Buddhism and am comfortable with the idea of life and death being a continuum rather than endpoints on a finite line, so the 'being dead' concept isn't deeply worrying. I'm more worried about all the projects-in-limbo, to be honest. I don't *like* the idea of leaving all those things undone. So I'd better get bustin' on 'em, just in case this game plays out more speedily than I'd been anticipating a month ago. Now THAT'S a good outcome, no matter what happens with the bod. I'm lazier than I like to be, sometimes.
5) Well, I *said* that when I moved I was going to take my practice to the next level. Not sure I was thinking about doing it *this* way, but in any case I've been presented with an excellent tool towards self-development so I'll just use it that way. *ahem* That is a determination, in writing. I always have worked better under pressure, anyway.
6) It'll all be ok, whatever happens next.
I still dread telling my more emotional peeps.
1) PLenty of people survive melanoma.
2) Our family has 100% survival rate from supposedly fatal cancer in people younger than 50, so I'll just carry on the trend. (My bro was supposed to die of a rare cancer before he hit adolescence, instead he's helping me out with mine, so that's a valid statistic in Britta's World.)
3) Moffitt is GOOD at what they do.
4) I'm GOOD at what I choose to do, and I will choose to bring together the finest in medical care, explore alternative health options, and chant like ze sonovabeetch for positive outcomes. That'll about cover the bases, I think. As to the rest, well, *nobody* knows what tomorrow will hold. That's no different for me, just I have a heightened awareness of it right now.
The last time I did this was when I parted ways with Blaise 3 years ago. I did the same thing, wrote it out, cried a little, looked at *what was*, at the things I'd been dreaming towards, and set some goals that I've achieved over the past 3 years. My mom and dad sent me a congratulations card when I moved here, it says this:
" last the ladder,
which had been built
slowly, slowly,
one hope at a time,
reached up to the clouds.
And the dreamer began to climb."
Funny, because it's only now, since I've moved, that I felt like I had everything in place to make it HAPPEN. And I shall. The Blaisequake led to a Great Adventure. I think this one shall too. And if I start to feel victimized by my circumstances I'll come back and read this journal and do what I need to. Because shit'll inevitably happen, but I'm pretty clear right now.
(I still don't know how to talk to my mom, though)
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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2006
Insurance. *spit*
Posted Jul 30, 2006
Here I am, moved to Paradise, the Sequel.
Life in Britta's World is even gorgeouser than I'd imagined it would be. EVERYTHING is going orders-of-magnitude better than I'd envisioned, and I *knew* it would be damned good.
But. There's one head-exploding taint in my universe. Insurance. Specifically, medical insurance.
Now, I've avoided *dealing* with this for the past three years because I *knew* it would send me over the top. But, having made some major life changes, having moved to my new Paradise, and with a determination to be a Responsible Adult, I gave in to the inevitable. I figured it was worth it, if only *not* to have to listen to my mother harp on the subject incessantly. *sigh* She's not a nag, just persistent. REALLY persistent. So I said, "Ok. I'll at least get catastrophic medical insurance, have that cushion of 'security' and SHUT HER UP!" Because, for some reason, my family don't agree that chanting for good health along with not doing stupid things is quite enough 'security'. Cool. Determination made, no problem. Right?
Well. *humph*
Here in Florida it seems insurance is totally unregulated. So ya go online, do a questionnaire to determine what kinda insurance will suit your needs, and then you'll be contacted. Cool! I can do that! And I deed.
All of a sudden I'm getting all these phone calls from insurance salespeople. Took me a day or so to figure out that they're not all from the same company, because the gobbledygook they spout *sounds* all the same. One very nice guy came by my place and we sorted out what I was looking for. He left me with a brochure which we'd checked off the blurb that pertained to bits of policy I was interested in purchasing. The others......GAAAAAaaaaaaa!
Hmmmmm. Seems it's definitely not the standard in Florida for anyone to actually have written information on exactly *what* the policy you're interested in actually offers. You're supposed to go on phone-based trust, because they're "the top salesman in their office". Hell, I don't care if you're God's Right-Hand Man, I wanna know what it is I'm buying. Exclusions, how long before what I'm paying for actually takes effect, whether or not I have choice of physicians or whether I have to drive to another town and wait six months before I can get an appointment with an approved physician, that kinda thing. Boy, I am one unreasonable wench!
Seems that's not how it works, here. First they want access to my checking account (over the phone!) They'll suck my first payment out, then begin the process of determining whether they consider me insurable. This is done through accessing all my medical records online. (HA! So much for privacy of medical information! *I* can't have my records, in my hand, from a physician I've been visiting (protecting my privacy) but Bill-n-Bob's Roadside Lemonade and Insurance Scam/Stand can get it ALL with a tickle of a mouse. HUMPH)
Can you tell I'm beginning to become a mite irritable?
Next step is I'm either approved or disapproved. If approved, I'm sent a huge packet of gobbledygook which "will take you two weeks to read and leave you feeling even more confused than you are now. At that point you can decide whether you want to decline our insurance."
Cool! I'm feeling confident now!
Two weeks. For two weeks I've been dealing with this madness. I rant. I rave. I drink vodka tonics. And I keep reminding myself that I *promised* to be an Adult and do this thing. Because, if I hadn't I'd be in the fuggit mode, status quo. Reality is, even if I had the very best, most comprehensive, coddling insurance in the entire world, I'd still only go to a doctor if I thought I were dying AND I thought they'd actually stop it happening and I could carry on, in Britta's World, as usual. Because I have no desire to live a life that's subjugated to revolving around managing and meddling with some disease, anyway. That's not what I think I'm for, and I just won't. Period.
So, in a sense, this all seems like a humongous waste of time and energy. But then, what if my appendix burst? What if, like a friend almost 10 years younger than me, I had a heart attack? (I know, not gonna happen, but WHAT IF?) That's the bastard tickling lure of insurance, the 'what if?'
So, tomorrow, one way or another, I shall make a decision amongst these shysters. I shall be done with it. My mom will SHUT UP!
I get sooooo furious at the *spit* salesmanship going on in this industry. *I'M* a salesperson, and I sell something that's a totally created need. Cosmetics. And *I* can do it with pride and with integrity. I don't have to manipulate the latent fears of clients to sell like a sonovabeetch, just hook them up with the right things that'll do what they tell me they want. And that's goddam cosmetics! These insurance barstids are selling something that'll affect people's LIVES and they haven't the integrity of a makeup artist! That's scary.
I think I know what it's all about, though. They want to drive us to head-expolsion BEFORE we're insured, whether it be a stroke, heart attack, or plain going postal-nuts and sinking our teeth into the face of the next insurance agent we run across in a casual setting.
I shall probably need another two weeks to detox from this madness. If you read about an insurance agent who had to have someone's teeth removed from his chin, well, I'm probably involved in that incident.
How much IS a Buddhist supposed to tolerate?
Lawdy, lawdy.
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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2006
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