This is the Message Centre for Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Mara's Mantra Cult

Post 1

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

I seem to have made a cult (quite by accident, too.).

So if you feel the need to chant "ominominommmmmmmm..." or "cheese sandwiches," or "goo is the answer to world peace," or "eraser pens are the answer to world peace", or "42," (etc.) you should probably join my cult of 2. (*laughs insanely*)


Join the mantra cult!

(long live the student prolitarian movement...!) <---that was for you, richard...----

Mara's Mantra Cult

Post 2


(I think it's working)

Mara's Mantra Cult

Post 3

Satan - Lord of the Underworld


World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless,
World peace is pointless.


You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all doomed!
You are all DOOMED!

Yyyyeessss, I like this.

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