This is the Message Centre for Acrylic Horse

Welcome to h2g2 Acrylic Horse...

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am Mort, <./>ACE </.> (assistant community editor) and a researcher just like you!, here to meet and greet you and help you find your way around this site. smiley - smiley

h2g2 is a living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything, and it's something you can take part in. If you want to write for the Edited Guide then let me know and I can explain the process for you smiley - ok

We have a Canadian Researchers Club at A1037323 so why not drop by and say hello!

The Forum at A1146917 is a place where there are serious topics being discussed, however if you fancy a bit more light hearted banter then the best place is <./>ASKh2g2</.>

Feisor has compiled a list of links at A719840, including the smiley - dontpanic <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> to make it easier to familiarise yourself with some of the most helpful entries.

Visit <./>ThePost</.>smiley - thepost our weekly newspaper and <./>frontpage </.> to see what’s happening in h2g2.

Feel free to visit my page for a chat or if you need any help - just click here U204689 , leave me a message and I will get back you as soon as I can.

Happy Hiking! smiley - towel


Welcome to h2g2 Acrylic Horse...

Post 2

Acrylic Horse

Hi, and Thanks. I think all of this will help me out a bit with understanding h2g2. smiley - smiley

Welcome to h2g2 Acrylic Horse...

Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

No problems - anytime you need a helpful pointer then just reply to this or leave a message on my PS (personal space - what we call homepage here) and I will get back to you. You can visit anybody's PS by simply clicking on their name at the top of their posting.

I am usually around at some point every day, but if not then leave a message on the <./>aces</.> page and someone will answer you - especially if you write 'help' in the subject header smiley - winkeye

smiley - ok

Welcome to h2g2 Acrylic Horse...

Post 4

Acrylic Horse

smiley - ok I got that all. smiley - biggrin

(hmm, should I be taking notes? smiley - biggrin)

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